Egypt. Economic analysis

Day 1,410, 10:26 Published in Serbia Lithuania by Alkaholikaz

Egypt's economic, demographic, geographic analysis

Ignoring the fact that Egypt is almost fully occupied by its neighbouring enemies I am still going to do a bit deeper economic and demographic analysis. Egypt is currently controling only one region, which is at least giving the possibility to declear its diplomatic independece and shout for help world-wide. Original Egyptian regions are: Sinai, Red Sea Coas, Upper Egypt ( These regions are over Cyprus political control) , Western Desert, Middle Egypt (Under Greek control) and the last region Lower Egypt (last Egyptian region). Egypt loses lots of production bonuses by not having the original regions. The only bonus Egypt gets is for food production.

Some statistics that could make view a bit brighter:
Avarage egyptian salary - 49 EGP
What can I buy for that amount of money?
x12 Q5 food or barely 1 Q5 tank (lowest price 49.5 EGP) These prices are high because there is low demand.

1 GOLD is worth 773 EGP thad means, a single egyptian worker is able to buy 1 gold in 16 days, more than in two weeks. If you are left with nothing or you just started a new game in erepublik, living in egypt you will have to work 160 days to start your first company, IF NOTHING BOUGHT. Ofcourse a player will gain some gold from gaining medals an leveling up, so it makes game a bit easier in Egypt.

I strongly discourage current taxes which are set in Egypt.
Import tax on weapons is too high, since we dont let in any weapon importers. Egypt needs more weapons, more weapons means that there will be lower prices for them. More soldiers will be provided with amunition.

Encourage and Discourage:

Regional occupaiton of Egypt have totally destroyed economics. Giving only a small bonus to agricultural production doesnt make Egypt any stronger. Since there is only one region with 54 population, the growth is impossible. At first sight it looks like Egypt is having all its needs partially fullfiled with the view of the local market, but it is totally wrong. Materials, food and weapons - you can find it all on the local market, but look at the amounts and prices. There are only few offers of food with a price of 66cents or 86cents, later on prices doubles, to 1,2EGP and after that it even goes to 17EGP (Q1). Taking a look on Q5 food the view is much much better, there are plenty of normal offers with huge amounts of food, for only 3,9EGP to 6EGP. It is still too high though. Single egiptian have a salary of 49EGP a day. So even with the lowest price for food, egyptian can only buy 12x of Q5 food a day, so 120 HP restored. This does not give any possibility to participate in any war with full power. If an egyptian wants to fight a battle he must go to another country to refill his storage. There is not a clue of any advantage. Going to another country to buy some goods means, that egyptian money are spent in foreign markets, and the egyptian money stays in foreign markets. That means, that all of the money are spent not to its own goverment, but egyptians give away all their money to foreign nations, in other words: MONEY GOES STRAIGHT INTO ENEMIES BANK ACCOUNTS. In this case only enemy gets stronger and more powerful, not Egypt. Egypt wastes more with every single EGP is spent in foreign market. This shall be stopped by encouraging local citizens to produce more and discourage exportation.
As I said in my previous article:
"So the best way to keep a country really profitable is, to make money spin in the same closed circle and don't let any of them out of the country. It doesnt matter if money will be spent from nation's bank account on other things, but it has to be sure that the money were spent for local people, on the local market. So in this way, Country's money will stay in its territory, only in other people bills. Since all citizens have their expenses, in a while all the money will come back."

Gaining some benefit:

Discouraging exports Egypt will gain more taxes. More money means more support for whole egyptian community, by allowing to support its soldiers more intensively. And ofcourse - If you want to make money, you have to spend them. How that works? Its simple: investing. But how can we invest? Egypt should invest in human development, higher human development means higher economic level. By letting people to produce with lower taxes, they will produce more and rather stay on the local market, than export goods. So, what I want to say here, that taxes should be lowered. It may seem clever and profitable if you have one region which supports food raw material production and raise taxes for it. But it only seems like this. With low taxes, prices go low along with it, but for the starters, demand for this kind of products must be increased. When there is a demand there is higher production + lower taxes leads to competition, and competitions leads into lower prices. Ofcourse in the other article I said that exportation is good. Well yes it is good if market is overcrowded with all kind of materials. But in this case it won't work. First egypt must to settle in with its own market, because at this time there's a huge chaos.

First strategic move:

Welcome foreign importers. Let them settle in a bit (lower import taxes), let them take over your market. If market is full of goods, prices go low. Ofcourse you wont receive much taxes, but as I said, if you want to make money, you have to spend them, so its kind of a spending. Sure you will get some taxes from importers, but not as much as you would get from local production. After the market is full of offers, prices go low, because of the competition. After you get prices low, salaries will get a bit higher and then you can throw every importer out of egypt (raise import taxes) and leave place only for local business-men.
Invite foreigners, give them citezenship. More populations means more factories, more job offers. Competition between empleyers have its on advantage - Salaries get higher. It is not necesary to cause baby boom by inviting new players. Attracting more people from other countries to work here is more benefitial.

That is all for now. Vote if you like it, sub if you love it. This article was written for Egyptian goverment by Janko Fran request.