eGermany is Liberal, eNL is Moderate, eBelgium is Oppressive...

Day 1,494, 18:41 Published in Germany Belgium by Konrad Neumann

I have been to a few countries in my eExistence. I traveled and get to know the different political systems and institutions. Institutions are really important for it is the way a country does its business and it is the "rules" to the game. This article will look at a few countries and their political systems and will compare and contrast it. The countries I will focus will be eGermany, eUK & eNL, and eBE. eGermany is unique for it does not have an constitution and I think the gov does work and function. eUK and eNL are countries that have a much more centralized government with a constitution but it functions well. Last, there is eBelgium. eBelgium is over bureaucratisation of the state which created a situation that is not democratic and is just a mess. At times, eBelgium resembles that of an failed state with strong clientalism.

eGermany is something special and I think unique. While I am sure that there are others countries that do not have a constitution (I am not sure) but eGermany follows traditions. Unlike nonsense traditions that few elites knows, the eGermans focus on the basics. The law and the "rules" of the game deals with proper decency and game mechanics. You have an area to discuss policies and congress proposals and after some time there is a vote. Things are pretty simple and the German system is practical and flexible. Overall I think the system works well and it is very libertarian. I saw articles in the past saying eGermany should be more liberal. I really do not see how it is possible. While it is possible to get rid of the Bundeswehr and other apparatus and to eliminate taxes etc but it is not practical and compared to many other countries, eGermany is really liberal already and the individual are pretty free.

eNetherlands and eUK are pretty alike. They both have a constitution and besides that, it is pretty much like the German system. While it might be a good idea to have a constitution, it is a mix blessing. While it is ideal to have it written down to avoid confusions and to clearly states the responsibility of each position it is not really needed if they followed the German system in which the traditions reflects on game mechanics as well as proper decency. This will avoid congressional debates about wording and grammar. While this is not common, mundane things does happen. If the bureaucracy is of moderate size like the case of eNL and eUK, the system will work and it will not be an issue.

eBelgium is something states wants to avoid. Not only do they have a constitution, they have too much bureaucracies that creates an oligarchy. Most eBelgians are naive and does not understand proper governance. From a game mechanics port of view as well as most basic civics, they lack a grasp and understanding of such issues. Some believes that the president should make laws instead of congress. They believe that the CP is boss. Others wants an eBelgium empire but they are neutral. eBelgium is full of contradictions.

The Belgians have a constitution like eNL and eUK. The problem is that they also have a Supreme Court (SC) which the 3 justices are voted in by the congress itself. This posed many problems. First, since it is voted in by the congress, and SC justices can be in congress etc, makes the SC an political institution and branch. Also since it is election base and not merit base selection, some justices are not competent in judicial issues. The SC cases does not reflect on precedence of the past rulings or the constitution but on the political interest of the justices. There are two political camps in eBelgium, the Shadowist (BCP, RB, and parts of Bf😎 and the Wardist (Om, ULA, parts of Bf😎. The Wardist are the Elites (with a capital E). In some ways the Wardist are like Steinmetze in that they are so established. Unlike the Wardist, Steinmetze are not authoritarian. The Wardist controls the SC and forum (will discuss later). When the Shadowist passed a bill in congress for a Congress Chairman position, the Wardist justices overruled the vote citing that there was not 24 hours of debate but 23 hours and 58 mins. To kill a democratic vote based on 2 mins is silly and counterproductive. The Shadowist tried to appeal it but the SC states that the constitution should not be viewed base on meaning and intent but by wording. The SC only deals in the constitution and law and the law should be viewed to the very letter. Two days later, in a "criminal" case against Shadowukcs and Monsieur Guillontine in which the prosecutor states that they did not break laws but only violated the norms. The punishment was to banned them from political office for at least 2 months. First, this is nothing more than silencing political rivals. Second, this violates the precedence and ruling of the issue of the law should be viewed to the letter. Last, how can the SC block Shadow and MG from things that are determined by game mechanics? In the end, this is stupid.

The Wardist controlled forum is another problem. Because of the Wardist admins and mods abused their power and silencing free speech, the position of admins and mods became political and it too became bureaucratized into a position. When the Wardist admins spy on the party forums forcing some parties to create a new forum outside the national forum. Banning a gay person as a homophobe because he said "Admins are gay 😛" Admins use their position censor people of different perspective and even banning them. There are a lot of abuse of power which caused the admin and mod position to be an open position. No forums I have been in sees that the congress will vote in people who will be admins and mods. Even having an congress election on these post, the situation is far from democratic as the Wardist elites like ThonasRed declared himself as forum owner and he is independent from congress and can overrule the congress when he wants.

The problem will reflect that of the problems of the SC. Things like the SC and the moderation of forum should not be political and bureaucratized. But yet, the Belgians bureaucratized almost everything you can think of. The system now is that instead of the political is waged on the congressional and presidential level, there are a battle in the SC as well as on the moderation level.

eBE is a mess. You can see this in their foreign policy. At one point they want to do a land rent with Germany/ Poland for NRW. There reason is that eBE will be bigger and that a bigger Belgium is a better Belgium. Many do not care about the issue of security in how to defend it. eBelgium cannot defend itself from any of its neighbors. When there was an influx of Irish immigrants going to eBE, they claim that it is a PTO and that it will make eBE more pro Terra/ EDEN. When there was an huge influx of Macedonians coming to eBE, they accepted the CS and welcomed them with open arms. They have a "TW" with France in perfect timing recently. After since the Mittekemuis's CP, eBelgium is not neutral but pro-One. If you look at the top Elites of eBE like ThomasRed, Mittekemuis, Ward de Bever, etc they all are in or have connections to Poland and UK. eBelgium is a country with no balls. They are Pro-One but are scared to say so. They hide in the shroud of neutrality fearing Terra/Eden retaliation. eBelgium cannot be trusted. Due to the institutions which gives the Pro-One Wardist a great advantage on juridical and legislative issues, their policies be it domestic or foreign will be Pro-One. It is also their institutions that makes eBE unstable as the battles are more brutal and personal what while the Wardist have a huge advantage; however, if a Shadowist do obtain power, there are and will be huge policy changes which makes eBelgium unstable and at times unpredictable. In the end, it is good that eBelgium is a small and insignificant country in the game. However, it is a model for us to look at. A warning to other states, something to avoid and to learn from.

In the end, I really like the German model. I think it is most basic and most efficient and practical. While there are roll play elements to the game as congress(wo)man etc, but the law does not over restricts the individual. While I respect the views of some eGermans who wants to see eGermany more liberal etc, I really do not see how. If they cannot tolerate the most basic game mechs and rules of decency and procedures, then I do not think any country will satisfy you in this game. eGermany is really free, much freer than many other countries. The powerbase of the Steinmetze and the so called filz is not as powerful anymore. Even if they are strong, they are a lot better than many others in other countries. I have nothing against constitutions and a more centralized state. I think the Dutch and the British system works and works well. When the state becomes too complex and if it becomes too bureaucratized like the Belgian case, then it becomes oppressive and prevents individualism which is key in a democratic system. eGerman system while not perfect but I think it should be a model for many other countries. eGermany is liberal and eBelgium is oppressive.

Konrad Neumann
-German President x3
-Officer of Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw (Political dedication and service)
-Knight of Orde van Oranje Nassau (Societal dedication and service)
-17 time congressman
-Advisor to the Raidoh Administration
-Former Minister of Interior of Netherlands
-Former Minister Foreign Affairs of Netherlands
-Former Party President of Green Liberal Democrats [GLD]
-Former Party President of Open Minded Germany [OMG]
-Retired Emeritus of the now defunct Phoenix
-Co-Author of the Frankfurt Treaty
-One of the negotiator, author of the Phoenix alliance under then President Donnie Bronco
-Vice/MoFA of eGermany from August to January
-Former eGerman ambassador to eAustralia, eUK, and UNL