Edukuj se 3.deo

Day 2,347, 14:07 Published in Serbia Montenegro by Rastafarianac

Scroll down for English (Sorry for the bad English, I used Google Translate)

15 dokaza da su Skubi Du i Šegi bili konstantno naduvani!

Kreator ovog crtanog je jednom priznao da je lik Šegija pravljen po uzoru na nekoga ko konstantno konzumira marihuanu, a kome samo reči kreatora nisu dovoljne, evo i nekih očiglednih dokaza da je Šegi zajedno sa Skubijem, konstantno bio pod uticajem marihuane.

1. Skubi i Šegi su se uvek imali jako čudan način smejanja.

2. Konstantno su bili gladni i uvek su sa sobom nosili grickalice.

3. Verovatno su živeli u kombiju, pošto nikada nisu išli kući, a kombi im je inače bio u potpuno hipi verziji i zvao se "Mystery Machine".

4. Preterano korišćenje fraze "sviđa mi se". Tokom cele serije bukvalno sve im se sviđalo... sem duhova.

5. Uvek su posle ponoći jurili duhove, legali su kasno i uvek ustajali posle 12 sati.

6. Šegi je uvek imao raščupanu kosu.

7. Nisu išli na koledž niti su igde bili zaposleni.

8. Skubi je pas. Psi naravno ne mogu da pričaju, ali uprkos svemu tome jedino ga je Šegi uvek razumeo i jedino je on kapirao šta mu je Skubi tačno želeo reći.

9. Skubi i Šegi su uvek bili prestravljeni od strane duhova, ali ih niko nije viđao pre njih dvojice.

10. Uvek su upadali u zamke koje su sami postavili da uhvate zlikovce.

11. Ova serija se pravila 70-ih godina, a svi znamo da je u to vreme marihuana bila najpopularnija.

12. Šegijeva čudna fraza "Zoinks", ko još to govori?

13. Šegi i Skubi su uvek pozadi u kombiju i nikada se ne prikazuje šta oni rade tačno, a kada se otvore zadnja vrata, uvek sa njima iz kombija izlazi i dim.

14. Šegijeva devojka se zvala "Mary Jane" i kada ju je upoznao rekao joj je da mu je to omiljeno ime.

15. Skubi Du se u uvodnoj pesmi naziva i Skubi Dubi Du, a "Dooby" je inače jedan od izraza za džoint.

Svima kojima se svidelo neka daju makar glas.

Ma dodji na 250!

Edukuj se 2.deo je bio na temu medjunarodnog dana pusenja trave ali ja obrisan jer je proglasen kao spam
Edukuj se 1.deo

15 evidence that Scooby-Doo and the Shaggy were constantly inflated

The creator of this cartoon is once admitted that the character Šegija built with the example of someone who constantly smokes marijuana , and only the words which the makers are not enough, here are some obvious evidence that the Impossible Bike with Skubijem was constantly under the influence of marijuana .

1 Scooby and Shaggy have always had a very strange way of laughing .

2 were constantly hungry and always carried with them a snack .

3 They probably lived in the van , because they never went home , a van they were otherwise was completely hippie version and called the " Mystery Machine" .

4 excessive use of the phrase " I like it " . Throughout the series virtually anything they liked ... except ghoust.

5 They are always after midnight chase ghosts , bud late and always stale after 12 hours .

6 Shaggy has always had her tousled hair .

7 did not go to college nor anywhere to be employed .

8 Scooby is a dog . Dogs of course I can not tell , but despite all that , the only thing is Shaggy always understood and knew he kapirao what he wanted to say Scooby true.

9 Scooby and Shaggy have always been terrified by ghosts , but no one has seen before the two of them.

10 I always have stormed into the traps that they set themselves to catch the bad guys .

11 This series of rules of the 70s , and we all know that at the time marijuana was the most popular .

12 Shaggy strange phrase " Zoinks ," Who else is speaking?

13 Shaggy and Scooby are always in the back of the van and never shows what they are doing right, and when you open the back door , still with them, the van out and smoke .

14 Shaggy girl called " Mary Jane" and when he met her he told her that it was his favorite name .

15 Scooby Doo in the introductory poem called the Scooby Dooby , a " Dooby " was also one of the terms for joint.

Everyone who liked some give even vote.

Edukuj se 2.deo was on the International Day of smoking weed, but I deleted because it is declared as spam
Edukuj se 1.deo