Education Program

Day 635, 04:18 Published in Israel Israel by Swifty

First I want to announce that I was appointed by Buzzy to be the Minister of Education. Thain Peretz who was the Minister of Immigration and Education will be from now only the Minister of Immigration.

Education program
Unlike in other games when at the beginning you can do almost everything, here you have very slow start and just to be able to fight you need to wait for a a whole week. In the first week all you can do is just work and train once a day. It's not very appealing and most of the people quit after 2-3 days because this game seems to be very boring.

My idea is to escort the new players from the start and help them to get through the boring start. We will help them to get into the eWorld and to know him better so they won't feel so lost. Except the starting message that every new citizen is getting I will send them another PM. It won't be hard to find them as all new citizens are going first to work in the government company.

I also need guides that will help to the new citizens and will answer their questions. There will be 2-3 guides. One who can speak Hebrew for the Hebrew speakers, one for the English speakers and maybe another one if the other two will have too much work. Contact me and tell me which of the guides you want to be.

For better and stronger eIsrael.
Swifty, Minister of Education.