Editorial: President Capelli King, you are a crook

Day 211, 18:23 Published in Turkey Greece by Gyros News Corp

Before the Greek Congress today is a proposition from President Capelli King to print one million new drachmas, flooding the economy with a heavily devalued currency and lowering the standard of life across Greece. While it is true that the population of Greece has increased dramatically over the past month, there is no defense of this blatant attempt to bring the Greek economy to its knees.

President King is not unfamiliar to criminal tactics, and in fact he and his United Greece Party are planning to ruin Greece as they flee to their next target: Ireland. Greek Republic Resistance informants uncovered the following incriminating plans, posted by President King, from the headquarters of the UGP, which were then handed to Gyros Chronicle:

> #1 We first make a money issue and sell GDR very expensive to get as much gold as possible.
> #2 We try to sell off as many of the companies as possible, maybe for a less price
> #3 Then we move as many people to our moving companies to get us tickets, then we sell them for 2000GDR each, so that only our members can buy one
> #4 We stick together and move to another country as a team.
> My best suggestion is Ireland."
> #1 For people which have GDR, put it on offer at high rates. Minimum i would go for 0.1, this way we can suck up all the gold they are making from the invites.
> #2 we will start a list of members which DO NOT, have a moving ticket yet. These guys will be a priority in getting one.
> #3 All buisness owners increase wages x10 and prices x10 more that you used to sell it

These crimes must not be allowed to go unnoticed. The actions of President Capelli King are not only damaging to Greece but an evil that will cascade throughout the Greek isles, into the Mediterranean, and pervert the waters of justice all the way to Ireland as they pack up their ill-gotten earnings and move to their parasitic intents into their next host body.

Irish politicians were not available for comment before publishing deadlines.