Edition 1: Day 939 - June 16, 2010

Day 939, 09:27 Published in Canada Canada by Luke Peters

Welcome to the first edition of the Canadian Gazette. In this edition we will be looking at the major changes of the Party Presidencies in Canada as well as an early announcement from Luke Peters, stating his intention to run for the position in the next elections.


The elections for the Presidency of many parties have come to a close around the world. Some of the major Canadian changes include Lan MacNess replacing Chochi in the DAL, jbdivinus replacing Addy Lawrence in the CPF and Sperry replacing Nosyt at the head of EPIC.


Meanwhile, Luke Peters has got off the blocks quickly in EPIC and has today announced his intention to stand for the presidency of EPIC on the next party election day.

“I intend to stand for the position of Party President in EPIC next election, no matter what happens in Canada; including if we are introduced to the New New World,” he said. “I will outline my aims nearer the date for the time that I could be President of EPIC.”


Fighting has continued around the world as people gain experience in battle with many regions not changing hands and both sides spending hundreds and thousands of their respective currencies to fund their troops fights, whether paid for by the military forces or by the citizens themselves.


A recent bill for the impeachment of Dade Pendwyn was rejected with nearly three quarters of the cast votes against the proposal. In order for the bill to have passed, two thirds of the congress would have had to vote for the impeachment of President Pendwyn.