Edition 01: The ERA Party

Day 853, 08:31 Published in Australia Australia by ERA Party

Welcome to the first edition of the BRAND NEW eRepublik Alliance News.

A sneak peak of the what the eRepublik Alliance News will look like soon

The purpose of this first edition is to introduce the ERA Party to new eAustralians, plus make an important announcement for current members.

New eAustralians - A guide to eAustralia and the ERA Party

New Arrivals disembarking from the SS Cozza

First, welcome and thank you for choosing eAustralia as your home.

At the start of the eRepublik game you may find things very boring and restrictive, as a number of features will not unlock until you reach a certain level.

The trick though of eRepublik, is not really what happens on this site, but the forums and IRC of eAustralia that help you meet everyone and understand the country's history and government.

May I suggest you do this now, if you haven't - Join up at the eAustralia Forums

You should request access to the Aus Citizen Group, so you can view the Government section and Military Headquarters. If you are having trouble getting access or finding your way around, just PM this org (By clicking on ERA Party above) and we'll try and help you out.

If you have some spare time during the day, you may want to jump on the IRC Chat and speak with fellow players. Here is IRC CHAT.
When you enter the room you'll have to make yourself known. To make your name known just go /nick and then your name... like /nick John123 then press enter.

The eRepublik Alliance Party (ERA)

Typical Party Room meeting of the ERA

An important thing to do in eRepublik is join a Political Party. Not only will this help you in your quest to be a congressman (Senator), but also you will learn the politics side of the game and most importantly, make some new friends.

eRepublik Alliance - better known as ERA - is one of 14 parties in eAustralia.

Most of the parties go along with traditional political beliefs (left wing or right wing, etc...). However the ERA policies are based of "Game Mechanics" and the better use of them.

The ERA is always looking for new members who want to raise political ideas, help with campaigning or just have some fun telling jokes on the forums.

To join the ERA (eRepublik Alliance) go HERE (Note: if you have not reach the level to join a political party yet, please feel free to jump to the next step and come back to this step later)

It's important that you also join the Party Forums. This is not just a requirement of the ERA, any party you wish to join in eRepublik usually suggests that you become a member on their forums so they can get to know you and help support your eRepublik political career.

To join the eRepublik Alliance forums, just sign up on the eAustralian Forums (like you did earlier) then follow THIS GUIDE (It shouldn't take too long for you to be approved as a forum member).

Once you are approved, don't be shy, jump in and make a thread straight away 🙂

Important ERA Party Announcement

This Newspaper is one of a number of new ventures for the ERA after today gaining it's very own org account. The account will hold the newspaper and one or two new companies.

ERA members are asked to go to the forums and make their suggestions on what industry should the ERA set up business in to generate revenue for the party and possibly wellness for members.

ERA Public Relations Manager