EDEN Situation: Pacific Front

Day 1,887, 22:23 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Greece by Steveeven

EDEN Situation: Pacific Front


I would like to share a few happenings on what is going on in the Pacific Front. Much of the information may already be common knowledge by now, but I hope everyone gets something out of this article.

As you may know, Korea “natural enemy-ed” USA not to fight against them, but to let them take Jeju and thus open up a corridor where USA can strike Taiwan. The intention of this is clearer when you see that USA did not NE Korea back.

Actually, as I am writing this, USA has already proposed natural enemy on Taiwan. The first stage of the enemy’s plans is complete.

Stage 1: Open up a border with USA so they can attack Taiwan.

To do this, Korea launched a feint on USA-controlled Northern Taiwan. Obviously, they lost.

eTaiwan knew of this intention and quickly NE’ed eKorea, leading to the battle of Jeju which eROC won.

Opinion: Whether the decision to attack Jeju was a good idea is debatable. If Taiwan would to attack other South Korean territories, say Gyeongsangbuk-do, then USA will have to battle Korean-held Jeju first and then NE Taiwan. However, either way, war is inevitable. By taking Jeju, this gives Taiwan a extra territory as breathing space against USA.

Stage 2: Declare War on Taiwan and conquer all its territories.

As of this writing, we are currently at this stage. Fingerguns, the CP of USA, proposed a NE: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/USA/122445

Will Taiwan be able to hold off USA? I feel there is a slight hope, if EDEN and especially China come to Taiwan’s aid. To do a quick strength estimate:

I put EDEN allies’ estimated contributions to be a low 15% due to the many resistance wars taking place in their core territories. Prove me wrong. 🙂

As you can see from my projections, the odds are against us. However, I will still do the best I can. “Those saucy boys will never reach the coast.” 😛

I predict that both Korea and Japan will try to launch simultaneous resistance wars as USA attacks Jeju. I recommend that we focus firstly on quelling those resistance wars and have our allies do the fighting against USA. A territory is still worth a territory, no matter what its location. Plus, if we are successful in those wars, those lands will be placed under USA control and they have to do a RW again.

Stage 3: Quelling of resistance and attack of China

After the conquest of Taiwan, USA will focus on subjugation. They will fight hard against any RW’s that we put up. After a time, when the resistance dies down, USA may decide to strike China.

There is a chance, however, that Bulgaria might attack China first when they are done with Russia. That is another front that we are losing.

That’s it. I hope you enjoy reading this analysis. I wish good luck to everyone in this confrontation. Red Dawn is coming.

*Note: All countries mentioned, unless otherwise specified, are in the “e” format. Example: eUSA, eTaiwan, etc.