EDEN rised again in the Federation of BIH

Day 1,116, 09:01 Published in Italy USA by bisiacco

Dear citizens of EDEN,

almost 3 weeks ago EDEN felt in Saarland.From that moment onwards, last 3 weeks were not easy.
We have lost most of the conquered regions we got, but recently the wind seemed changing.

Yesterday EDEN resurrected in BIH.

Yesterday EDEN has demonstrated that, even some leaves were sick, the roots are till sane and alive.
Yesterday the hearts jumped over and we have found again the wild spirit we were looking for, the will to fight together under the same flag, EDEN flag.

As in my previous article I was blaming our lack of cooperation, I am here today to say that yesterday everything, at any level, worked perfectly.

So, once, let me say thanks to you, soldiers of Australia, BIH, Canada, Croatia, China, Finland, Greece, Italy, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA, Ireland, Ukraine, Cyprus, Israel.

With love and pride I join the few
Whom for this freedom give their all
To serve each other and the flag,
Answering the nation's call.

We, Brother in Arms

EDEN Supreme Commander