Day 1,239, 07:24 Published in Romania Greece by Greek Ministry of Health

Imagine a nice sunny morning on the Danube shores, the birds are singing, the sun blesses the whole nature with its warm rays of light, the family wakes up fully recovered after a good night sleep. You go out to smell the scents of spring and fill your lungs with fresh air.
In the distance you can see the city, one of the world capitals. Its buildings standing tall surrounded by a million of vehicles crowded with people hurrying to work.

A thundering sound explodes in the bordering forests. Was that an earthquake? What in the God`s name is it that can make such a dreadful noise?
Suddenly the earth is shaking. The birds fly away and you feel a cold chill climbing up your spine.
A scent of oil fills your nostrils and the whole forest is in motion. The green turns to black and it speeds towards the city. Bolts of light rise to the sky and crash down against the tallest buildings. What was once a mighty city, now it turns to dust. Buildings and bridges collapse and the air fills up with black clouds of smoke. You see people running for their lives but in vain. The monsters from the forest come near. Now you can clearly see their metallic squared shapes with their mighty cannons continuously spitting balls of fire at the enemy.

The massacre can start, for the metal-cladded monsters show no mercy. They hid in the dark and waited for this moment to come, one moment of redemption. And here they are now with more fury and vengeance then you ever used to read in your childhood bedtime stories.
It must be the mighty EMC, the glory of the EDEN army! The tank division that shows no mercy is back from the dead! You say and then you run and hide under the ruins hoping to God they don`t find you. On a worn piece of paper you see something familiar, something you thought as dead and long-forgotten...

"EDEN MILITARY CORPS Rules of Conduct:
1. You will wear the EMC avatar with your country flag.
2. You will use all of your food fights under EMC orders on a daily basis.
3. You will use the EMC channels of communication.
4. You must have a minimum of 2000 damage per hit
Apply here for consideration"

Through a hole in the wall you see the steel monsters leveling down the whole area, for where one mighty citadel stood, a forest will rise, with a mighty colorful tree in the middle, the Tree of EDEN.


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