EDEN Kicks Ass

Day 754, 10:42 Published in USA USA by Desparye

So, for those of who you haven't heard by now, Phoenix has rejected Japan's ultimatum. So what does that mean?

For the morons (kidding) out there, Heilongjiang is called Hello Kitty. Get it now?

Good work, Hungary.

Anyway, we've been doing a lot of "imperialistic" stuff lately. By that, I mean getting to Asia to liberate China and India. For the newer players who might read this, New Jersey was retreated because nobody cares about it (I'm a RL New Jersey resident, and I approve of this message). I mean.. We get rid of one douchebag for a layercake stereotypical American douchebag. Better for Britain, anyway. (For those of you who support Chris Christie, I'm joking. Learn to laugh at yourselves, people.)

But as you've all seen, Greece decided that the Aegean Coastline of Turkey belongs to them. Personally, I hope the map looks something like this by the time they're done. I mean, Greece WAS there first, right? I love you Greece. <3

Bulgaria is down to just Sofia. Whee. Lulz war won, basically. Well, one region away from winning. But who cares.

For my subscribers, the photography series will be restarted once I actually have time to. I'll most likely be without internet for two weeks, as I'm traveling to Ohio to visit family, and I don't know if they've actually gotten out of the dialup age yet. Kidding, they have DSL, but not wireless.

And for the rest of you, vote and subscribe.

EDEN, we kick ass.

and idk about you, but EDEN sounds like a water type, mirite?