EDEN And PEACE Face-Off - New Enemy Emerges!

Day 693, 09:23 Published in Romania Finland by Erwin Schauman
As EDEN and PEACE continue to fight a war of annihilation against each other, a third party has been secretly creating an army to bring the unwary world to its knees. This sinister Empire has been gaining more and more power as the eyes of the World have been fixed upon the epic "u suck" - "no u!" dialogue between EDEN and PEACE.

I am of course speaking of...


Unnoticed by the world, vast amount of countries have fallen under the brutal onslaught committed by this treacherous enemy - Greenland is now gray and large parts of Central America, Asia, Middle East and Africa have been annexed to the Grayland Empire. Currently the Grayland Empire covers a quarter of the globe, and shows no signs of weakening.

It is said that no one has ever seen a Graylonian, but to see one is to stare into an endless, empty abyss and you are overcome with a feeling of dread and grayness.

As we speak, the Empire is building a massive reserves of weapons of mass destruction, and it is just waiting for the perfect opportunity to cover the world with second grayness. The Empire's soldiers are so numerable that even the eRepublik statistics can't count them.

Heed my warning, fair citizens of eRepublik! The end is nigh! PEACE and EDEN *must* unite in front of this new threat or eternal grayness awaits us all!

I call for all World Leaders to arrange an emergency conference to counter this powerful new opponent before it's too late. Otherwise our children will be put under the yoke and are forced to learn the gray language of Graylon!

Stop the Graylonians!