Day 849, 03:13 Published in Romania Poland by Skylar Vicious

So I wake up today, get some coffee and log into eR, and see a bunch of Anti-American article. Ok, this is kinda normal, but today they came from all allies. I've seen it in the Romanian media, the Polish media, the Spanish media, etc. Some ally accusing the other of not helping, or being a traitor, etc. Two weeks later, they kiss and make up and then some other country commits some apparently treason act and the cycle continues.

USA committed a big mistake by sending troops to Sindh instead of helping EDEN, but as we stated in the declaration all presidents gave they have internal problems which should be solved quickly so we can focus on global objectives. Australia attacked Indonesia on their own and in my opinion this is another move meant to imbalance EDEN. We also have to admit we did it too in Bulgaria, Poland did it too in Peru, and the list can go on.

But this isn't just our alliance. When an alliance becomes stronger and/or more organized than the other and goes on the offensive, it starts out great. The opposing side has a few countries beaten to a pulp, High Regions obtained, HAIL (insert alliance here) everywhere. Then the interests of the alliance enter the back seat. Countries begin looking out for their interests, what THEY want. Suddenly instead of having a handful of clear goals everyone wants to obtain, every country wants THEIR needs first. Then the bickering starts. The side gets disorganized and/or weaker, and the other side gains the upper hand. Empires are destroyed and nations reclaimed, and then they go on the offensive.

Instead of dismantling Phoenix as a team and coordinating, we're all jumping ahead of the alliance. We all want frontal wars, we all want new regions, we all want to fight and we all think of our people when we do that. But what we have to understand and cope with is the fact that we are stronger as an alliance than on our own. Allies going mad is the worst thing that could happen to an alliance. We saw this few days ago and it did not feel good did it?

Look at EDEN right now. We have Croatia trying to build an epic land bridge (EDEN common goal), the USA trying to secure its position in Asia, and a conquered South Africa. If we continue to divide our goals, we will accomplish nothing. We will continue to lose territories and the friendships we have built will break. PHOENIX will get the upper hand, the tables will turn, and eventually they will fall apart, and we will rebuild our "friendships" time and time again.

All in all, we have to remember the friendships we have, leave behind foolish interests like Sindh and focus on EDEN this time!


PS: Woxan Rocks! 😃


Ma trezesc, imi iau cafeaua, ma loghez in eRepublik si tot ce vad sunt articole anti-americani. Bine, este un lucru normal, dar azi vedem asta din partea tuturor aliatilor. In presa romaneasca, croata, spaniola si asa mai departe. Un aliat acuzat de un altul pentru lipsa de suport, etc. Doua saptamani mai tarziu, se impaca si apoi o alta tara este implicata in ceva aasemanator, astfel incat ciclul se reia.

SUA a facut intr-adevar o mare greseala ca a trimis trupele in Sindh in loc sa ajute EDEN in Slovenia, insa asa cum presedintii au declarat, SUA are probleme interne pe care ar trebui sa si le rezolve cat mai curand pentru a ne putea concentra asupra obiectivelor comune. Australia ataca Indonezia pe cont propriu si in opinia mea este inca o miscare de a dezechilibra EDEN. Trebuie insa sa recunoastem ca si noi am facut-o in Bulgaria, Polonia in Peru, si lista poate continua.

Nu este numai cazul aliantei noastre. Cand o alianta devine mai puternica si/sau mai organizata decat cealalta, si pornesc in ofensiva, inceputul este minunat. Partea opusa are cateva tari infrante, regiuni high obtinut, "Hail (alianta)!" se vede peste tot. Dupa aceasta, alianta se repliaza si interesele intra in umbra. Tarile incep sa se gandeasca la interesele proporii. Dintr-o data, in loc sa avem un nou set de obiective bine stabilite avem o gramada de tari care se gandesc la propriul interes. Certurile incep. Urmeaza dezorganizarea si/sau slabirea aliantei, parte opusa devenind mai puternica. Imperii distruse, alianta adversa intra in ofensiva.

In loc sa distrugem Phonenix ca o echipa, ne cautam toti obiectivele individuale. Cu totii ne dorim razboaie directe, regiuni noi, cu totii vrem sa luptam si cu totii ne gandim la populatie in primul rand. Ce trebuie sa intelegem toti este ca suntem mai puternici intr-o alianta decat pe cont propriu. Aliati care calca stramb - cel mai neplacut lucru care se poate intampla intr-o alianta. Am vazut asta acum cateva zile.

Sa privim EDEN putin. Avem Croatia care incearca sa "construiasca" un landbridge (scop comun EDEN - Slovenia), SUA incercand sa-si securizeze pozitia in Asia, si o South Africa cucerita. Daca vom continua sa ne gandim la propria tara si sa lasam pe planul doi scopurile comune EDEN, nu vom castiga nimic. Vom continua sa pierdem teritorii si prieteniile pe care le-am construit se vor rupe. Phoenix va avea un avans, se va intoarce roata, in final se vor destrama si noi ne vom reconstrui prieteniile.

Toate ca toate, trebuie sa stim ce prieteni avem, sa lasam in urma interese stupide ca Sindh si sa ne concentram pe EDEN de data asta!
