Eden aims to revive the Mother of all Land Bridges – invades Slovenia.

Day 844, 15:37 Published in USA USA by Sossu

After an extremely long period without any real wars except the battles for South Africa, Eden has finally stopped the boredom and launched an attack on Slovenia with the intention of establishing a foothold for Croatia in Western Europe and possibly beyond, as Croatia has invaluable MPP😒 against Hungary and Serbia, so they would have the best chances of defeating Hungary and Serbia over their Iron regions in Asia, a mission USA has not (yet) dared to try.

At 13:00 eRep time Poland launched a series of land swaps with Austria to get to the border of Slovenia. What makes the situation surprising is that Austria suffered from an invasion from Croatia a month ago and established close ties with Phoenix to get rid of Croatian occupation, and they eventually managed to handle the situation after Phoenix ninja tanked the only Croatian foothold in Austria.
After searching through Austrian media, it seems that they were betrayed by their president, and an impeachment is on it’s way. The proposal however is currently failing as 9 congressmen have approved and 5 opposed. It is likely that the president of Austria was actually a Polish infiltrator, as he is quite new player, or he was somehow bribed or intimidated to let Poland through.

Either way, this rather controversial act succeeded and Poland got a free war against Slovenia via Austrian MPP. After that, an immidiate attack on 2 Slovenian regions occured, and 5 minutes later another two attacks followed, raising the total count of Polish attacks to 4.
Simultaneously the old nemesis of Slovenia, Croatia attacked 3 Slovenian regions, and 2 hours later a fourth attack was launched.

Slovenia used to be a tiny country, who during the attempts of Phoenix to conquer Croatia attacked a minor Croatian region to drain damage. They launched a powerful set of MPP😒 and later paid a harsh price as Croatia with the help of Eden invaded and annexed them. Phoenix was able to liberate three of their regions in a RW-spam, and the rest of the country was liberated during the Croatian invasion of Austria. Croatia ultimately lost all of their possessions in Central Europe, and is now trying hard to reclaim some of them.

What made it possible to launch this invasion was the fact that Slovenia doesn’t have impervious MPP😒 to protect themselves. Phoenix thought that Serbian and Russian MPP😒 were enough to hold Croatia from attacking, and the open war with Hungary acclaimed during the Austrian war was later used to host training wars. They rationally thought that if Poland would try to plow through Austria, they would have enough time to respond accordingly. It came as a big surprise that Austria actually let them through willingly, and this flaw in the Slovenian defences is now being exploited by Eden. Every single Slovenian region is under attack, making it hard to priorize the defences.

The most important region strategically is the region of Styria-Carinthia, which is the only region connecting Croatian and now Polish-controlled Austrian regions. However the densely populated region of Lower-Carinthia is also worth defending. Slovenia is currently proposing an MPP with Brazil, but it is going to be accepted too late, as the joint Eden operation has hours to be completed before the MPP comes in to effect, and if Slovenia manages to secure some of the regions, Eden also has time to attack again without triggering new MPP😒.

The motive of this move is not to satisfy Croatian ego or fulfilling the Polish president’s campaign promise of a good war on his term, but to create the option of the most epicest land bridge world has ever seen, if completed. This was also the motive of the Austrian war, but it failed miserably before completing.
Theoretically, if these attacks succeed, Eden has a solid land connection from Croatia to the gates of Liaoning and Heilongjiang. This plan to succeed however needs three critical components. Firstly, we need a third party so Croatia/Poland can travel through the United States without wrecking MPP😒. Second, we need Japan’s consent. Third, we need the land bridge to hold as long as we need it. Currently it has a serious bottleneck in German-French-border, and these regions must be carefully protected even in the midst of this campaign so they won’t fall to surprise resistance wars.

Currently things look good for Eden, as Phoenix was unaware of this plan and their damage for today was mostly spent. Also the Serbian mobile forces, who have grown to be a powerful card in Phoenix’s hand, spent all of their today’s damage in a useless battle for KwaZulu-Natal.

Croatia has attacked the regions of Slovenian Littoral, Prekmurje, Lower Carniola and Inner Carniola, leaving the region of Styria-Carinthia untouched for later attacking if the invasion fails in other fronts, and has got a good kick start in Lower Carniola, home to over 2000 inhabitants. This battle is currently -70k, and the initial wall of 334,000 points has been totally decimated. Other battles are currently favoring Slovenia.
Poland has attacked the regions of Slovenian Littoral, Upper Carniola, Styria and Carinthia and Burgenland. Currently all battles except Styria and Carinthia are slightly favoring Poland.
Phoenix has countered by opening 5 RW😒 in Polish controlled areas of Hesse, Lorraine, Corsica, Champagne Ardenne and Poitou Charentes. From these RW😒 Lorraine is crucial for the land bridge to succeed, as it is the bottleneck region between the shores of Atlantic Ocean and Polish-controlled Germany.