eDark Poetry vol.2†

Day 648, 03:07 Published in Russia Japan by AgresivePayne

† Bereavement †

If dead the
Blood runs cold
Melting away the
Continuous precious
Thing mortals
Call life

While life's sill going strong
But weak you are
Living at our peak
Any day you'll meet us at our feet.
The beauty of black
You can't ignore
It's frailty is unbearable
To evade

Crawl the tongues of joy
We manifest this land of troy
We lure you in with your depression
But others seek aggression
But there is no alternative
To fate

We come to your bed as plagues
We come to the
Suffering as salvation

Always creeping in the shadows
To clout you hasty
Ripping away your flesh
Leaving you in darkness
We tear your humanity apart
Slauthering the innocent and
The guilty

As you reach in
At your final destination
We give no need
For confrontation
For the rest is obliged
To the mystery of your

-Dark Princess †