eDanish Prez

Day 1,020, 02:36 Published in Denmark France by Totood The Second

ALRIGHT, I'm here again..

Now, as some of you may have read, I have been given AIDS by HrBjørn, so I don't have much time left unless someone invents a cure (2 gold for those who do!!!)
(to those who didn't knew: HrBjørn's article)

I've recently seen the movie "The Green Mile" and in that movie, everybody who's on the death row gets a last wish..
I'm thinking, I should have something like that!
Now, since I can cook my own dinner every night, and thus don't need to use my wish on a menu, I will use it on something that improves my last couple of days as well:

PLEASE VOTE FOR MR. NAIZUGAI for presidential election..

You might think; why on earth waste your wish like that??!!one!!11!

There's a simple reason for that, Mr. Naizugai IS a nice guy.. Also, he wants to do the best for eDenmark, not like Wlada or Srbin who wouldn't care shit about the election if it wasn't for the shiny medal they get from winning it!!

As you can see from the picture below, Srbin and Wlada will do anything to achieve a medal, even paint themselves with manure:

And as you can from the next picture, Mr. Naizugai is both nice and cool even though he wins a medal:

Now go and vote for Mr. Naizugai, make a sick man like Stente happy on his last days, and help eDenmark!!