Day 3,291, 09:44 Published in Cuba United Arab Emirates by Dp. Huayra

Hace dos días, se jugó el Cásico Isleño... Chipre invadió Cuba.
Two days ago, was played the Island Derby... Chipre invaded Cuba.

Durante toda la Historia, los hititas, fenicios, griegos, asirios, persas, egipcios, romanos, árabes, católicos, bizantinos, otomanos, y luego los ingleses conquistaron la isla de Chipre.  Con toda esa Cultura Bélica, jugaron un partidazo muy fuerte, pero no pudieron vencer la Defensa Cubana.

Throughout history, the Hittites, Phoenicians, Greeks, Assyrians, Persians, Egyptians, Romans, Arabs, Catholics, Byzantines, Ottoman, and later the English conquered the island of Cyprus. With all that War Culture, they played a very strong party, but they could not beat the Cuban Defense.

- Por lo pronto, Cuba seguía tranquila en Medio Oriente...
- For the time being, Cuba remained calm in the Middle East ...

- Pero al finalizar el Derby Isleño, Grecia atacó en forma Aérea a Cuba, tirando todo su poder por la cabeza a la pequeña pero orgullosa patria.
- But at the end of the Island Derby, Greece attacked the Air in Cuba, throwing all its power through the head to the small but proud country.

- Esta Guerra se la comparó con la historia Bíblica de David y Goliat, debido a la inmensidad del poderío griego comparado con el amor propio y orgullo patriota cubano.
- This war was compared to the Biblical story of David and Goliath, because of the immensity of Greek power compared to self-love and Cuban patriot pride.

- Algo funcionó mal... porque David en este caso no pudo acertar con su honda en la cabeza del gigante.  Quizá elegimos mal al lanzador.
- Something went wrong ... because David in this case could not hit his sling on the giant's head. Maybe we chose the pitcher badly.

De todos modos, siempre hay algo para festejar, nuestro aliado Israel fué liberado luego de meses de lucha.

Anyway, there is always something to celebrate, our ally Israel was released after months of fighting.