Economy : Unemployement Rate and Salaries [study by dani36]

Day 452, 10:15 Published in Romania Romania by dani36
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First I wanna thank you for the votes for my lastest articles.
If you didn't read the lastest articles:
== Peace's Power vs Atlantis's Power ==
== Q5 Hospital Study ==

Now , I'll write only in english : [ I shoud say : Sorry for my bad english , I study french ]

Today , I'll present a new study.A study of the eWorld's economy [Unemployement Rate , Total of Citizens Unemployed , Medium Salaries]

Now , the study[Just click on the LINK to see the study]:

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1.UK has the highest unemployement rate with 63.5%.
2.Singapore has the lowest unemployement rate , 20.95%.
3.USA had the highest 'Total of Citizens Unemployed' , with 5891 citizens without a job ; Romania the second , with 3493 citizens unemployed and UK the third with 3240 citizens without job.
4.Hungary has the best raport Citizens - Unemployement rate.With 4249 citizens they have only 24.65% unemployed citizens.
5.We can find the Salary Medium [Biggest Salary[Skill 7] in Land + Constructions + Manufacturing : 3] [In GOLD] in USA , where the Salary Medium is ~0.78 GOLD.
6.The biggest salary [ Before the application of the taxes ] in Land is in USA , 0.92 GOLD.
7.The biggest salary [ Before the application of the taxes ] in Manufacturing is in USA , 1 GOLD.
8.The biggest salary [ Before the application of the taxes ] in Constructions is in Germany , 0.94 GOLD.
9.Special thanks to for the list with salaries [Used in a proportion of 60% in this study]

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With Respect,

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