Economy Out of Control

Day 353, 11:25 Published in USA USA by denversbest02

As most of you know, the economy is out of control and it is driving me crazy as a business owner, consumer, and worker. Let’s start with the problem, we seem to be plagued by high inventory and this was caused by the productivity formula being way to generous and causing the cost of resources being very cheap. This may have boosted the economy for a week, but then it let everyone overstock, causing price wars which eventually left the owners to get little or no profit and the buyer getting a stellar deal. While this went on for weeks, companies then adjusted and were able to pay higher wages and because they were able to spend less on resources and get very high productivity.

Just a few days ago, the productivity changed again and they made it way too low. People in the land companies are only producing 1/10 of what they were at most for each day. This means that the price of raw goods are going to increase tremendously (they have already tripled) and this will cause companies to spend much more on materials. This will cause wages to decline, and/or drive up the cost of the good which then forces citizens with lower wages to pay more money for the same good. And on top of all of this, every company is limited due to the productivity boost/restraint with the number of employees you have, so a company who is very smart and knows how to run a business must either: 1) take the hit on productivity, 2) open multiple companies, or 3) be restrained to either 10 or 20 employees.

We need consistency in this economy if we want it to work. We must let it be one way or the other and let it work itself out, and make minor adjustments. Don’t just throw the brakes on the economy until it becomes to slow and then have to adjust the productivity formula again to speed it up. Let the stronger, smarter companies survive.

I guess we will all have to wait until our economy goes stagnant from slamming on the brakes, and many companies will go under and many citizens will lose their jobs. Then, they will change the shape of our economy again, and then again, and then again.