Economical module revamp

Day 1,629, 08:02 Published in Romania Australia by Damian Gaby

Due to the nature of this article, it is written in english/romanian. Please feel free to translate and publish it into any language you would like.

Today I would like to propose an idea which, if implemented, will bring a big plus to the economical side of the game and will limit the big population migration towards the countries that have big bonuses.
As you already know, there are certain resources divided according to regions all over the eWorld. Most countries do not have all the resources, which of course means that they get a low bonus for production. This is by no means realistic and raises a lot of problems in countries that have small original territories, whose citizens tend to migrate to countries with 100% bonus as soon as they start their economical elife. Also, once the gold price has been leveled between the national currency and the currencies have been unified, the last measure of profitability for local raw manufacturers has dissapeared.
In order to fix this injustice done to small countries, at eTITUSS’s advice, I propose the following ideea: redrawing the eMAP in provinces based on a just division of resources so that any country can have a 100% bonus or be at least 2 provinces away from achieving this bonus. Also, I would propose that bonuses of let’s say 5% be given for owning double, triple or so on types of resources, so that the conquest of a new province would count for something other than prestige. This measure would indeed lead to an over production of raw materials. In order to fix this, I recommend shrinking the base production before bonuses of a raw company or increasing the number of resources needed to build a food or weapon unit. It will take a few days for the market to resettle, but I am sure things would get back to normal quite quickly.
I therefore launch an invite to all to debate and discuss in the comments to this article the idea put forward and to bring your own ideas and thoughts in on this in order to improve the economical module of eRepublik. Hopefully, our ideas will be read by the people that matter and we will see them implemented in the near future. o7!


Datorita naturii acestui articol, el a fost scris in engleza/romana. Daca doriti, puteti sa il traduceti si publica in orice alta limba.

Azi am vrea sa va propun o idee pentru a imbunatati jocul, una cu tenta economica pentru a aduce un plus in jocul economic si pentru a mai limita din marile migratii de populatie catre tarile cu bonusuri mari.
Dupa cum stiti, exista anumite resurse impartite pe regiuni in toata lumea. Majoritatea tarilor nu au toate resursele, ceea ce evident se traduce intr-un bonus redus. Acest lucru nu reflecta nici pe departe realitatea si pune multe probleme in calea tarilor mici prin natura, ale caror cetateni vor fugi imediat ce incep viata economica in tarile cu bonusuri 100%. De asemenea, odata cu uniformizarea pretului la gold si unificarea monezilor, ultima masura de profitabilitate pentru cei care produc raw, diferenta de pret intre natiuni a cam disparut.
Pentru a repara aceasta nedreptate facuta tarilor mici, la sfatul lui eTITUSS, propun urmatoarea idee: redesenarea hartii in provincii bazate pe o impartire justa a resurselor astfel incat toate tarile fie sa aiba bonusuri de 100% fie sa fie la doar una sau doua provincii cucerite de acest tel. De asemenea, as propune acordarea de bonusuri de sa zicem 5% in plus pentru detinerea de resurse duble, triple si asa mai departe, astfel incat cucerirea oricarei provincii sa conteze si la altceva in afara de prestigiu. Sigur ca asta ar conduce la o si mai mare supraproductie de raw. Pentru echilibrare, se poate micsora productia de baza inainte de bonusuri a unei firme de raw sau se pot creste cerintele pentru o unitate de paine respectiv arme. Va fi nevoie de cateva zile in care sa se reaseze preturile pe piata, dar cu siguranta lucrurile vor reveni la normal.
Invit la o dezbatere publica in paginile acestui ziar pe toti ( conationali , aliati sau inamici ) cei care cred ca pot imbunatati prin ideile lor modulul economic al eRep . O fac cu speranta ca vocea noastra va fi auzita de catre admini , iar ideile noastre vor fi aplicate in joc . o7 !