Economic Reform?

Day 2,405, 09:44 Published in Ireland Canada by Natster

Put a question in the title, as a suggestion for a thought process. I don't think I have the best ideas out there for economic revolution and total success, but I do have ideas. I truly believe that the worst ideas are ideas kept to oneself and the best ideas come from a messy pool of ideas where the best ones seem to float to the top and are refined through a collective wisdom of the people.

Here goes my contribution to the thought process (some of this may/may not be unique) :

There's a max gold buy in the market of 10 per day. Some people sell their gold and some buy it. Get to a point where you can buy one gold bar per day (income of $220 per day should get you there). This is hard, but doable. You can fast track or do it free, but you can definitely get there. To get there, I'm almost anti-commune. We need to get people buying stuff (weapons, food, etc.). With no or little income, there aren't as many people buying. The government and military units need to help out with that as well. I truly believe the more liquid the capital the better for the economy. A healthy economy is an economy where money transfers hands often. This skim tax that erepublik has in place is hard on communes, but good for the country and even better as money flows.

I tend to be more libertarian in terms of my views of government control of money, but I understand that some money needs to go to our great government to support endeavours of expansion and wealth building. The richer the country, the harder it is to take down. Imagine during war time, every active fighter gets 10 q7 tanks from the government to aide in accomplishing the task at hand. A player is free to put those tanks back on the market or use them to achieve their 25 fights for the day. By the way, accomplishing 25 fights gives you a free bazooka as well!

Even the smallest of us can do some serious damage with a few of those!

Hint, save up the bazookas (don't make them) until you have enough to at least aim for the top fighter for the day!

This is a bit of a long blurb here, and I hope it helps all to see things a little bit differently.

- May your fangs be ever sharp! Clan Wolf!