Economic Issues and the real reason we are here

Day 496, 14:49 Published in Denmark Denmark by Umbrella Danish Division

Hello all,
I would like to introduce myself officially now that the president is out and I feel very comfortable stating what is to follow. My name is Dale Marks. I am CEO of all the Umbrella Corporations. I have come to Denmark following several very bad experiences in eU.S. that has left a bad taste in my mouth. And not the Bill Clinton kind LOL. No, I do not like the close mindedness of the U.S. and how only a small amount control the masses by playing favorites. We built a large and successful conglomeration of newspapers, companies, and a political party. Only to be taken to court for many charges. This was only because we were stepping on many toes of the "higher powers". I myself am a Director of Operations in RL of a large corporation in the U.S.. This eU.S. mentality strikes me as selfish and isolationist. They wish only to fight amongst themselves and not band together as a large team to fight PEACE abroad. With this said I want to get to the point of this paper as follows.
What does Denmark need economically?
What does Denmark want economically?
What does Denmark want regarding border expansion wise?
What does Denmark require politically?

Do we need Q4-Q5 food or weapons or gifts?
Or do we just need Q1's and Q2's?
Should we import or build within?
I would like to know what you really think about taking your original territories back. Even if we must play border games and pay the Swedish to have the territories back. Are we content with what we have? I am not proposing this, but merely asking since I am new to the country. What do you want?
I am asking this of the Danish people to help guide THEIR country to where THEY want it. This is your country. Nobody else's.

With the utmost respect,
Dale Marks