eChina News/中国新闻 创刊号( -Sep.16th)

Day 665, 21:13 Published in China China by eChina

eChina News/中国新闻 创刊号 (?-Sep.16th)

主编: shawkcn(暂时兼任) 英文翻译:shawkcn

创刊词: 作为信息部下属国 营报业系统的国内报, 中国新闻创刊啦! 这是一份周报, 主要内容是回顾一周国内大 事, 聚焦热点新闻, 记录经典言论, 使这份报纸成为国人增强对 国内了解的一个重要渠道。 报纸初创, 人手方面极为紧缺, 还望大家积极报名参与报纸 创作, 有意者请直接联系 shawkcn , 让我们一起为创造一份伟大 的报纸而努力。 另外, 《信息部运行管理条例》 也将很快刊出, 请大家关注。

一、 国内大事扫描

1 、 新内阁名单公布

solotar 酝酿许久的内阁名单公 布, 正式链接待补充。

2 、 国有组织合同化

到现在为止, 央行、 国防部、 信息部的国有组织合同已经 签署。

3 、 国家五星医院建设

在经过以 Zhou San 为代表的众多上海居民的请 愿后, 在神秘富豪 JIAJUNPENG 的倾力支持下, 国家五星级医院开始建设, 截止发稿时为止, 医院进度为 12% , 预计可以在一个月的时间内 建成。 除了 JIAJUNPENG 外, 我们还要感谢辛苦的义务工 作在医院工地上的众多志愿 者, 而隐居已久的 Allyenna 的加入, 也使得工程进度大大加快。 请让我们向他们致敬。 另外, 关于五星医院的安置地点, 也发生了一些争议。 但我们相信, 无论放置在哪, 这所医院都将对 eChina 的发展有很大助力。

4 、 税制改革争论

近期国内针对税制改革讨论 甚多, 也不断有议员提出提案要改 变税率。 这其中最主要的就是针对铁 的讨论。 究竟是要通过铁的低进口税 来把大家引导到其他更有竞 争力的行业发展, 还是要通过高税率保证一定 程度的铁供应能够自给, 目前还没有结论。 但之前所有有关税制改革的 提案, 一个都没有通过, 目前还是保持现状。

5 、 酱油党、 HKgolden 党建立, 中国进入多党时代?

在过去的一段时间里, 酱油党、 HKgolden 党相继建立, 这使得中国现有的党派数量 增加到了 6 个, 中国似乎是进入了一个多党 时代。 但从一个方面说, 目前的国内政党, 似乎仍然没有政党应有的各 种特征, 目前仍然是以群体划分为主 , 政见上似乎没有明显区别。 至于多党的现状会对党主席 选举和议会选举产生什么样 的影响, 我们仍拭目以待。

二、 聚焦热点

关注 solotar 的国家机构改革

随着新任内阁名单的公布,solota r 对于国家机构的改革方案也 随之浮出水面。 除了 Snayke 时代就已经存在的国防部、 外交部、 福利部、 财政部四部外,solotar 新建了信息部、 教育部和经济顾问委员会, 同时将原来由总统直辖的央 行交由归属于财政部的央行 行长管理。

在具体的部门职能方面, 外交部暂无太大变化。 国防部刚开始进行第二次国 家征兵活动。 福利部也正在筹划新人援助 计划。 财政部由原来的咨询机构, 变成了现在下辖央行和商行 的实权性机构, 这两个银行将如何运转我们 还将拭目以待。 教育部的主要职能是给与新 玩家以游戏指导, 方式是通过新人信和即时的 解答疑问等。 信息部主管国营报业体系, 具体信息可以参看 《信息部运行管理条例》 。

在对国家机构进行改革的同 时,solotar 还不断的推进国有组织合同 化进程。 在上任的第一天里,solotar 就签署了央行的合同。 到现在为止, 央行、 国防部、 信息部的国有组织合同均已 签署, 其他部门的也正在筹划进行 中。

至于这番国家机构改革究竟 成功与否, 就请大家在各部门开始正常 运行后拭目以待了。

三、 点睛评论

1 、 XX 功在广告栏投放广告, 引发国人困扰, 有玩家在使用浏览器屏蔽功 能屏蔽该广告后感叹
“这不就是 ‘不敢劳烦 GFW 大人动手, 我们自行了断’ 么? ”

2 、 酱油党的自我介绍
“对不起, 我们是组党路过打酱油的。 ”

3 、 得知巴基斯坦总统上任当天 即遭成功弹劾后, 同样刚上任即遭弹劾但未成 功的 solotar 的反应
“原来还有比我更惨的…… ”

4 、 当今 eChina 公司普遍利润较低, 作为资本家代表的 solotar 感叹
“我个人感觉我在为员工打 工……”

English version:

First, domestic events scan

1, Announcement of the new cabinet

Incubated for a long time, solotar announced the list of new cabinet. Official links to be added.

2, The signature of the contracts of state-owned organizations

Until now, the contracts of the central bank, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Information have been signed.

3, The construction of state-owned Q5 hospital

After a number of Shanghai citizens' petition, with the fully support of the mysterious wealthy JIAJUNPENG, the construction of state-owned Q5 hospital has been started. Until now, the hospital's progress is 12%, the completion can be expected in a month's time. Besides JIAJUNPENG, we would also like to thank the hard volunteers who working at the hospital site. The Allyenna's participation is greatly promoting the process of project. Please let's salute them. In addition, with regard to the hospital's settlement site, also occurred in some controversy. However, we believe, no matter where the hospital placed, it will greatly help the development of eChina.

4, Tax reform debate

Recently there have been discussions of domestic tax reform, and some congressmen have submitted proposals to change tax rates. The tax of iron was especially in dispute. Is it through low import taxes of iron to bring us lead to other more competitive industry, or through high tax rates to ensure a certain degree of iron supply to be able to self-sufficiency, is still inconclusive. But until now, all the tax reform proposals were not passed.

5, The establishment of Soy Sauce and HKgolden

In the past period of time, Soy Sauce Party and HKgolden Party were established, which makes China's existing political partied, increasing the number of six, China seems to be entered into a multi-party era. But from another point of view, the current national political parties can not be called are real political parties. They are still divided into groups instead of being based on the political views. As for the impact of prisident election and congress election, we still need to wait and see.

Second, focus

Concerned about solotar's reform of national institutions

With the new cabinet list's publishing, solotar's program of national institutions reform also becoming clear. Solotar created Ministry of Information, Ministry of Education and the Council of Economic Advisers besides which have already existed in Snayke era: Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Welfare and Ministry of Finance, and People's Bank of China which directly in charge of president will be transfer to Central Bank governor under the Ministry of Finance.

In sector-specific functions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have not much change. Department of Defense has just started their second national recruitment. Ministry of Welfare are also planning for the new assistance programs. Ministry of Finance has been changed from an advisory institution to a real powerful institution. Now it contains the Central Bank and the Commercial Bank. Ministry of Education's main function is to give new players the game guide, through the new citizen letter, immediate answers to questions and so on. Ministry of Information is in charge of state-owned press system, specific information can be found in "Regulation on the Supervision and Management of Ministry of Information".

solotar is continually promoting the contractualization process of state-owned organization at the same time as the reform of national institutions. In his first day as president, solotar signed the contract for the Central Bank. Until now, the Central Bank, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Information have signed a contract of state-owned organizations, other ministry are also planning under way.

That the effect of the reform of national institutions, we have to wait and see after the institutions start running.

Third, classic comments

1, After XX Gong advertising in the ad column, some players used the browser to shield advertising, they said
"It's not that 'can not take the trouble to GFW milord, we'll finish the affair ourselves'?"

2, Soy Sauce Party's self-introduction
"The soy sauce party is a group of likable people,frequently appeared everywhere,designed to find and purchase high-quality soy sauce."

3, After hearing that the same day that Pakistan's president took office has been successfully impeached, solotar sigh
"There is more miserable than I am."

4, Now eChina companies are generally less profitable, as the representative of the capitalists, solotar sigh
"I personally feel I have to work for my staff."