eCanadian unity: Where do you stand?

Day 829, 17:20 Published in Canada Canada by Treian

Unity. It is a strong word that describes an ideal that many desire to attain, but what is it really??
Unity is defined as such:

1. The state or quality of being in accord; harmony.
2. The combination or arrangement of parts into a whole; unification.

My vision of eCanada can be defined in all three of these. I wish to see us all as one people and as one eNation. I hope to see us all in accord and in harmony as eCanadians. I desire to see all our many parts arranged into a whole. Many thought eCanada’s unification came when the last of our regions was won back and the nation as a whole was put back on the map.

Perhaps….. Yes perhaps we did achieve #2 of the defined meanings of unity, but what about the first??

With all the recent infighting and the line that has been drawn between two languages and the people who speak them, this is a difficult thing to accomplish. We are a nation of multiculturalism, a nation of many backgrounds, and a nation of 2 official languages……. But we are still ONE NATION!!!

My eCanada is not divided by Francophone and Anglophone.

My eCanada includes all people regardless of spoken language and background.

My eCanada is a nation in which we are all welcomed and made to feel at home.

As of late I have been harsh on the UN for their “contravercial” policies and the words they have chosen in some of their articles. While they are the ones drawing this line, there are those who choose to stand in opposition on the other side of it. It all needs to stop here and now. We are eCanadians. Whether it be French, English, African, European or Asian eCanadians, we are still eCanadians.

With V2 upon us it is time we think of our future and what we want it to be.

So now picture if you will our great eNation. Now picture a large circle around it.

That is MY line. I have now drawn the line. It encompasses us all; all of eCanada and all eCanadians.

Now I ask you: What side are you on???

Loyal eCanadian Knight
Member of the Order of Canada