eCanadian Babyboom- Contacting Canadian News Agencies [Day 1596]

Day 1,596, 15:02 Published in Canada Canada by Wombatman25

Good day eCanada,

First off, I would like to thank my first 70 subscribers! It’s because of your encouragement and support that I continue to write these articles.

Secondly, I would like to apologize for the lack of articles recently. I am in the middle of exam period at university. I don’t have too much time to write.

The article today will be brief. It will detail a simple way that you can help with the eCanadian BabyboomIt will take a few minutes and will be very simple.

Many countries in the eWorld have attracted new players when eRepublik is advertised in their local media. The only way we can do this is by contacting media outlets directly. I have prepared an email which you can copy/ paste and email to online newspapers and tech blogs.

To whom it may concern,

I have recently come across a very interesting game which I believe would make an excellent addition to the science/technology section of your website. The online game,, has been featured in many newspapers and technology blogs around the world.

eRepublik truly provides the opportunity for a second life. Users can enter politics, fight in wars, and become business tycoons. It is a relatively new game and has attracted much attention over the last few years.

Please note that I am not affiliated in any way whatsoever with eRepublik labs. I simply believe your viewers would find a short article about the website interesting.

For your consideration.

Here are the contact details of some Canadian news agencies.


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Post below after you have emailed the letter to the news agencies so that we can see how successful we are.

eCanadians who have helped out:

IronToader: Thanks IronToader for reposting my article!

Dierios: Thanks for taking the time to send the email to a number of news agencies!

Frank139 Thanks for sending the email!

Wilhelm Gunter Thanks as well to Wilhelm for taking the time to send out emails!

Only with cooperation and hard work can we succeed! So start spamming!