eCanadas 'Watergate'? Updated!

Day 955, 08:23 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz
The Watergate Scandal

In 1972, the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee, located on the sixth floor of the Watergate Hotel and Office Building, were burglarized, documents were photographed, and telephones were wiretapped.[7] The investigation into the burglary revealed that high officials in the Nixon administration had ordered the break-in and then tried to cover up their involvement. Additional crimes were also uncovered. The ensuing Watergate scandal, named for the complex, led to the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon in 1974.

Allegations against the Minister of Justice in eCanada

The Minister of Justice has been spying on CPF forums! WTF?

Looks respectable no? This guy was curator of the Queens paintings and a proven spy. So it is with our Mininster of Justice! He has been spying on CPF forums, evidence is lodged with the Court and we are sick of it! We have held our peace publicly waiting for a resignation. Sadly some people have no Honour!

I asked the then CPF PP (currently banned... stranger and stranger!) Jbdivinus to provide some basis for these allegations:

Sara says:
so Jb how did you 'cotton on' to this infiltration?
Jonathan Bondy 007 says:
Several members of top5 parties had recently been asking for information from the CPF forums, and were very persistant, despite me having made it clear the information was private. Earlier, a few accounts had been registered on the CPF forums that raised a small amount of suspicion, so I was keeping an eye out. When one of the people asking for information began bragging to me about how a "cpf" member had told them information from the forums, I knew that it was a spy, and I suspected the account in question. After bring up the issue in #dal on IRC, as it was a DAL member who had been asking for this information, I was privately messaged by Ayeshan Dakseus, confirming my suspicions and admitting to having created an account under a false name and intentionally using it to obtain private
information fo the CPF forums

I asked Jbdivinus if he had contacted the President:

Sara says:
what does he say?
Jonathan Bondy 007 says:
no reaction

The Government Replies

Although Jb had contacted Dade about this I thought it only fair to try again and thought it only wise to ask for some reply. The President replie😛

&quot😉ade_Pendwyn He was covering for somebody
04:35 Dade_Pendwyn Jbdiv and some guy I can't remember were trolling the sh*t out of our channel
04:35 Dade_Pendwyn So ******* said to me in teamspeak that he was going to pretend it was him so they would stfu
04:35 Dade_Pendwyn And then he did, and they did stfu
04:35 Dade_Pendwyn He showed "remorse" even though he didn't do it
04:35 Dade_Pendwyn You're not going to drag his name through the mud for something he didn't do, ffs
Dade_Pendwyn Anyone who publishes anything about ****** spying will be reported. If you want to report whoever actually did it (whoever that is, I have no clue. No information whatsoever was ever posted on the DAL forums and I never got word of anything, not that I'd care in the slightest) then go ahead, but nobody is writing sh*t (sic) about Ayeshan"

Comparisons with the Ironman Case: Threats

In the Ironman case the Government went public before any action was lodged in the Court, arguably thereby destroying any chance of a fair trial and possibly even acting acting unconstitutionaly. Don't get me wrong... the actions were no doubt needed and the law, as usual, needs to catch up. For their actions regarding Ironman the Government rightly claims credit.

Now this case is not as important on the surface and no 'theft' is involved. However a complaint was lodged in the Court on 29th June and private complaints have been made and yet we see NO action and instead I am threatened with being reported if I mention the name of the Minister of Justice: " Anyone who publishes anything about ****** spying will be reported." Ouch!!!!

From a Government that rightly claims credit for acting rightly against a thief to threaten someone who only asks questions about allegations is a big leap! Yet the Government itself set this precedent in the Ironman case!

Anyway I have not mentioned the name of the Minister and if you feel like reporting me for making public certain allegations, as the Government itself did against Ironman, go ahead! I am not a thief nor have done anything that the Government itself has not done. I fail to see what I am to be reported for unless it is for making this threat known! I believe I have the right to bring these questions to the publics attention. The fact that I am threatened for asking questions is again a repeat of the Watergate affair and really most amusing.


The President says: &quot😉ade_Pendwyn He was covering for somebody...If you want to report whoever actually did it (whoever that is, I have no clue... not that I'd care in the slightest."

This is puzzling... Why is a Minister 'covering for someone'? Who is he covering for? Not only does the the Government ' have no clue' it doesn't 'care in the slightest'. Why? Justice is a responsibility for the Government no? Perhaps this alleged spy was a member of the Presidents Party but the President should not act along Party lines when in office. It is even more strange that it should be the Minister of Justice himself who volunteers to 'cover' for this supposed third person. All this was done to stop ppl 'trolling the sh*t (sic) out of our channel'? Why not kick/ban them? I must say it seems very peculiar action to stop trolls!

If indeed the Minister has accepted resonsibility for this then let the responsibility fall on him! The excuse "I was covering for someone to stop ppl trolling" has no weight if you wish to accept responsibility. If the Minister wishes to reveal who is 'covering for' and why then fine... let this person be prosecuted!

Interestingly nobody denies that the basis of the allegations are true! They only dispute who is guilty.

Just like the real life Watergate it seems the Administration is claiming no knowledge (I can hear the shredding machines!). Nor do they show any interest in finding out who the guilty party is...

Until the Government explains A.What it will do find the guilty person and B. Why a Minister of Justice is covering for a criminal the implication is, like Watergate, that this goes all the way up.

As it is the Minister of Justice has accepted resonsibility, rightly or wrongly. This is his choice and presumably he has his reasons. In the current circumstances then Justice requires that the Minister resigns immeadiately. Alternatively the Government may change it's attitude and take a full and active part in this investigation to help find and prosecute the guilty party, and this I naturaly urge them to do. Their reaction so far; threats, covering (up), dunno and don't care doesn't bode well. Let me say this:

If the Government has nothing to hide then it is their Duty and in their interests to get to the bottom of this. I urge them to do so. Otherwise the implications are that the Government itself is at least tacitly complicit.

I write this for NO Party but as an honest eCanadian seeking Justice. I have always stood Government accountability and tried to inform the public, whether as MoFa or VP and 'Acting President'. I merely continue to behave according to the TE Code of Conduct: Honour and Power, for without honour their is no true power.

All interested in Justice will await with anticipation the replies and evidence from both sides!

a Deepthroat Comes Forward

In the Watergate scandal the reporters had highly placed Government source whom they codenamed 'Deepthroat' and to mirror reality such a source, who wishes to remain anonymous has come forth:

&quot😉eepthroat this should be about ****
18:04 SaraD why's that?
18:05 Deepthroat **** is at the centre of this whole affair
18:05 Deepthroat it's on the forums
18:05 Deepthroat and i'll leave it at that
18:06 SaraD can I quote you on that?
18:06 Deepthroat nope
18:06 Deepthroat i don't want to get involved"

'Deepthroats' identity I refuse to disclose but is a senior Minister. The person to whom he points is ALSO a Minister...

Interestinger and Interestinger.