eCanada's Only Q5 Housing Company Sold for 45 Gold, 200 Gold Loan Lost?

Day 560, 15:28 Published in Canada Canada by Petz

It has been revealed that the Q5 Housing company, Yellowknife Housing has been sold to Time Org for a pathetic sum of 45 Gold. The real story here is that this company received a 200 gold loan, approved solely by the MOF, Alex Rearden on the promise that its owner, thekommie, would pay back the 200 gold plus an additional 100 gold back to the government. If thekommie failed to repay the loan, the government would take over the company. Based on statements in the eCanada forums, thekommie claims that there was an in-game error that sold the wrong company but realistically, without evidence of this, it is more likely that an accidental error was committed and the wrong company was put up on the market. Based on this, it looks unlikely that the admins would step in since more than likely the transaction was completed in a proper manner based on the functions provided in the game.

If we examine this potential loss, a clear, frightening problem becomes evident. Why was such a large loan given out? Did congress approve of this loan and was congress willing to take the chance on such a large amount? The loan was only approved by the MOF who decided on his own, that it was a good deal. When questioned repeatedly why congress would not be informed and allowed to vote on giving out this loan, the MOF arrogantly replied that he needed no approval to do whatever he wanted to do with these tax dollars. When pushed that the loan should not be given out without first establishing a proper loan program, the MOF again stated that he would not give out small loans and thus no program was needed as he could decide on which proposals of large amounts were good. Despite the calls from numerous congress members that cabinet seek approval on major deals and transactions such as a loan of this nature, the cabinet and especially Mr. Rearden have opposed such suggestions.

The time has come to hold cabinet members accountable and responsible for the departments they run and the actions they take. eCanada can not afford to continue to let some people in government believe that they are above the rest of the government. As a country, we elect people to represent our citizens and it is completely wrong from some ministers to try and take away the power from the people by not allowing congress to have their say on major issues. The time has come for this sort of practice to stop. Mr. Rearden has showed in this circumstance that he believes that he does not have to show accountability to congress and now we may have lost another 200 gold. Will he continue to act this way if elected President? Do we really want someone as our president if he believes he can do whatever he wants?

The Congress should examine the events that have led to this potential loss and especially discuss the duties and roles of this MOF and future MOFs. A proper and established loan program also needs to be put in place. Please contact your congressional representatives if you are outraged at how your tax dollars are being used or rather misused and abused by parts of our government.

This is the link to the forum discussion on the sale of the company