eCanada: Forever EDEN, Forever Bros

Day 919, 13:50 Published in Indonesia Greece by Greek Ministry of Health">

Today eCanada finds itself in a situation which strongly parallels real-life Canada historically. In 1776, the United States of America broke away from England while Canada remained loyal to the British Empire. It wouldn't be until 1867 that Canada would peacefully gain its independence, and would remain an autonomous nation in the Commonwealth. Canada established its independence from England without losing the close friendship established by hundreds of years of common rule; moreover, Canada has (1812 excluded) maintained a cordial, not to mention incredibly important, relationship with the USA.

eCanada's situation in eRepublik is incredibly similar. Despite America's nasty and public split with EDEN, eCanada remains loyal to both our Bros to the south as well as our traditional allies in EDEN. We are dedicated to maintaining one of the strongest alliances in eRepublik history (Pan-Am excluded) with America, while at the same time we also remain deeply engaged in furthering the EDEN cause. eCanada now finds itself in the middle. Yet, we find no distress in this situation, as it is one Canadians in real-life have been experiencing for over two centuries. We are completely comfortable being the allies of two powers which haven't always seen eye to eye.

Yet, a certain talking head in Phoenix doesn't seem to understand this. His ignorance of both Canadian and eCanadian history has led him to embarrass himself in the eCanadian media. The article "What is eCanada" is a thinly veiled attempt to drive a wedge between eCanada and EDEN. Fortunately, it's going to take a lot more than a couple sentences of broken english to separate the eCanadian psyche from EDEN comradery. For posterity's sake, I would like to answer Ostin's question now, however misguided it may have been.

What is eCanada? Well, eCanada is a stretch of terrain which borders the Pacific, Arctic, and Atlantic Oceans, and is governed through a process which in many ways parallels the Constitutional Monarchy of real life Canada.

However, the question Ostin meant to ask was "Who are eCanadians?" The answer to that one is far more complicated, and I'm sorry to say Ostin has got it completely wrong.

He seems to think we are the puppets of EDEN; that we will do their bidding to the detriment of our own country. He points to the invasion of France as somehow evidence that eCanada has no autonomy. Apparently being part of a has-been empire like eIndonesia is so frustrating he's resorted to trying to create conflict between eCanada and EDEN.

Anyone who wishes to debate the effectiveness of the war may do so: naturally it was a risk to open ourselves up to invasion through the activation of MPP's. However, the idea that eCanadians are the puppets of EDEN High Command is laughable. It was one of the campaign promises of eCanadian President Derek Harland to open up a war during his term: he approached EDEN early in the term asking about the viability of a war to aid our allies. Later in April, it was 1ronman (also an eCanadian) who represented EDEN and proposed to Derek Harland that he initiate the war he had promised eCanadians would come. Moreover, even after the decision was made by the President to declare war, the proposal was ratified by congress (which is full of, go figure, eCanadians).

So the war was initially an idea of Derek Harland (eCanadian), then later prompted by 1ronman (eCanadian), then ratified by congress (eCanadian). Criticize the decision to invade if you must, but to say that external forces from EDEN forced eCanada to invade is, well...embarassing.

So, it's safe to say the notion that eCanadians are the puppets of EDEN can be put to rest. My earlier question remains, however. Who are eCanadians? The answer is, paradoxically, as diverse as it is simple.

We eCanadians are a tremendously varied people: from the contemplative and existential musings of Plugson (one of eRepublik's most underrated scholars) to the mischievous machinations of Augustus Baldwin (eCanada's most notable miscreant), eCanadians are a diverse bunch. However, there are three things that all good eCanadians have in common.

1) We fight like we mean it
In the attack on Pays-de-la-Loire:
eCanada: 270 dmg per fighter
eSerbia: 205 dmg per fighter
eFrance: 185 dmg per fighter
eBrazil: 107 dmg per fighter">

2) We're fiercely loyal">

3) And we do a lot of drinking...age permitting of course ; )">

Having eCanada as an ally means you'll never be left out to dry; and we here in eCanada know that having EDEN and our Bros as allies means we, too, will never be left out to dry. We haven't forgotten World War III and we never will.">
The most disgusting thing you'll ever see...">
Turned into the most beautiful continent on the planet

A while back I wrote an article claiming that if the USA ever joined PHOENIX (as JP had briefly suggested), eCanada would never follow suit. The reaction by eCanadians speaks for itself: we would move to Spain before joining Phoenix.

We may be in the middle of a temultuous relationship between America and EDEN, but I'm sorry to say, Ostin, that the only puppeteering happening in eCanada is all in your head. We aren't going anywhere.

eCanada - Forever Bros, Forever EDEN.">