eCanada's Presidential Elections

Day 1,079, 18:13 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee
eCanada's Presidential Elections

Union Nationale:
-The party chooses Fox Blutch to represent them in the upcoming elections for president
-Union National gains DAL's support in presidential elections
-Fox Blutch chooses three goals: Control 1 New Region (London), Increase population by 5%, and Increase GDP by 15%

Democratic Action League:
-DAL chooses to not put forth a candidate within the party
-DAL decides to support Fox Blutch in the upcoming presidential elections

Canadian Progressive Front:
-CPF put's forth presidential candidate Kazuo Leblanc
-CPF earns support from Canadian Paradox Party, Progressive Rationalists, The Anarchist Party for the presidential elections in eCanada

Canadian Empire Party:
-CEP puts forth candidate Kilgore Trout 89 for presidential elections

Politics Canada