eCan Mystery Theatre - A New Wave of Media Entertainment!

Day 1,050, 15:14 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00


As an initiative to boost the quality (or, even better, the entertainment value) of the media in eCanada, I have taken it upon myself, to found eCanada's Mystery Theatre. But what is this project about? Simple. Radio Drama.

Radio Drama (as defined here) is the art of using one's voice (well, many people's voices) to tell a story. But not just any story. Radio Drama tends to lean towards the "eerie" and "macabre" side of stories; the kind that are great to listen to in the dark, but are also written well enough that you can visualize the "story" in your head, as you listen to it!

The ironic thing however, about Radio Drama, is that (a) only 4-5 people are needed for an entire play/story! Since, after all, minor character can be reused as other peoples (thanks to voice filters!) characters, and more! Also (b), not a lot of technical experience is required to make a radio drama production (phew!), since all it is is timing, and layering voices and sound effects together! But don't let that steer you off. It may be easy (yet time consuming) to make; but if done right, it can be very interesting and exciting to listen to!


Now of course, im not the first person to try this. Many (successful) real life corporations have done this, and have come up with some fascinating works too! Some examples of corporations include: CBS Radio Mystery Theatre, The Inner Sanctum, and MORE! Of course, for all you interested folks out there, I have linked below a few examples!

1) (1976) - CBS Radio Mystery Theatre - The Prison of Glass

2) (1977) - Inner Sancutm - The Undead

3) (1937) - The Shadow - The Circle of Death

There are THOUSANDS of other radio plays! Just google "CBS Radio Mystery Theatre" and you are bound to find some! (Enjoy them!)


So what does a radio play consist of?

Well, the average length radio play (30-45 minutes) contains a couple of key things that stay the same from one play to another, as you will see listed below:

- A quick introduction/Intro music --> This helps set the mood/Welcomes the listener!

- Three ACTS (Act I, II, III) --> Each of these are about 10 minutes long, and consist of an act intro (done by the narrator, me) which sums up the story so far, and an act outro, that sums up new developments in the "act"

- Final words --> This closes off the story/finishes the radio show, and is usually accompanied with eerie music, like the intro!


So what now?

Well.. we wait! 😃

I have already started the production of our first radio play! (The ETA for it, will be anywhere from 2-6 weeks from now, depending on how much time I have to write the script). However, I am still in need of characters/voices (BOTH MALE AND FEMALE!). So if you have a MIC and RECORDING SOFTWARE (and don't mind being heard by listeners), I urge you to send me a PM; and I will give you further instructions. NOTE: You will not be on every single play, rather, on specific ones, where your voice would match a character (since, after all, everyones voices are different).

So, if you have further questions/want to apply, please feel free to PM me, 00AngryMobMan00, and I will get back to you ASAP!

Thanks for your support!

eCan Mystery Theatre Founder