eBush? Scrabman the Lobbyist Chief!

Day 564, 14:15 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by Konrad Neumann

While it is true we in eUK don’t really care about election politics of eUSA, but this election really interest me
It is indeed interesting to see the eUSA reelected their incumbent, scrabman. Scrabman is not without controversies which makes his victory more interesting. In the eyes of many eAmericans, and citizens around the world, scrabman is an appeaser and a hypocrite. He wanted eUS to be neutral/ inaction, in the eSwedish/eGerman war. He proposed to Congress to end the war and he forbid the eUS military from voluntarily aiding the eGermans in their war of existence. Despite his policies, he fought in two battles for the side of the eGermans, earning him two hero badges. He claimed that the president is not a part of the military but the role of the president is commander in chief which makes him the leader of the eUS military; thus, a part of the military. His actions caused outrage to many people across the new world.

However, despite his performance, he must did something right, it has to be since he won in a great landslide. His victory is different from the eUK elections in which Kumnaa (congrats) with 487 votes and jerryGFL (thank you for running) with 475 votes. The difference is only 12 votes. It is almost 50-50 and was a close race. However in scrabman’s case, he received 1689 votes and his closest rival, Kyle321n, received 1417 votes. The difference is 272 votes. In terms of percentages, scrabman received 49.94 of the votes, basically 50 percent while Kyle321n received only 41.90 percent of votes. This is in real life like the result of Obama and McCain.

Why did scrabman win? Scrabman have six parties endorsing him and his coalition has a total of 2947 members. Kyle321n have a coalition of 10 parties with a total of 2950 members. Therefore scrabman should not have a big advantage in terms of the size of his coalition. However, one big advantage that scrabman has over Kyle321n is that he is the incumbent.

Incumbent have a great advantage over the other candidates since they have the name recognition that others do not. They have a title POTUS, which gives the image of experience. Also people are more likely to read his articles and listen to his view points more due to his position than that of others that have little to no recognition. Therefore, the president wields more power not because he is the commander in chief, but because he has the power to influence the press and the media. Instead of calling him commander in chief, we should call him the lobbying chief since a president that can influence the media and public opinion holds a lot of power.

Scrabman despite of his controversial policies always let the people, his constituencies; know what was going wrong and the reason why we did what he did. While many people disagreed with his policies, the people got to know him better as well as many people see his reasoning and agrees with him. He used his power to influence very well and therefore he was able to manipulate congress to end the war with eSweden even in a polar environment. So did the eAmerican people reenacted the real life presidential election of 2004? The answer in my opinion is no. Scrabman is not Bush. It is not base on rhetoric of fears and what ifs. It is not about of attack ads or anything of that nature. It is also not because of wartime or other external/ internal problems or/and threats. It is mainly in my opinion that he is skillful in using the media to get his message and agenda to the public. He was able to influence more people due to his position much more than Kyle321n. While many disagree with his policies, me included, I think he is a powerful president. Congratulations president scrabman and go on influencing…