eBelgium Invades the eNetherlands

Day 1,578, 21:46 Published in Belgium Thailand by Karakoran

One week ago, we were betrayed. The forces of the Dutch came rolling from the North in an act of pure imperialistic terror. We hardly saw it coming, in eBelgium. After all, we had always done right by the eNetherlands. We merely expected they'd have the same sense of decency.

But instead they hit us like a wave.
And we beat them back.

Their invasion was a failure. The few successes they had in the earlier parts of this war were attributed only to the element of surprise they gained through betraying us. In the end, everything they used to harm us has been turned against them.

Now, the knife is pointed the other way. Instead of us fearing them, they will be made to fear us. As I type this, Belgian forces pour over the border. Southern Netherlands is falling to us. And this...

This is just the beginning.

We wont be stopped until every sacrifice is re-payed by the Dutch. We wont be stopped until our demands are met and our people are satisfied. We wont be stopped until justice has been served.

So go help that justice.
Go fight for it.

In Solidarity,

Southern Netherlands has fallen.
Next comes Amsterdam.