eAustrian Army - Reorganization

Day 610, 15:04 Published in Austria Austria by Metallon

Today i declare the release of eAustrian Forces,
and we will form new divisions, in the last few days i noticed the problems we have with our army. The problem with the army is that the orders can change anytime, so we need an irc channel where we can distribute weapons and tickets and renew orders.

The main problem is people dont show up on irc, so we cannot make coordinate attacks... so today everyone can choose what he want,the army will have a fresh beginning.

eAustrian Armed Forces

We will have 2 army groups you are free to choose, no strengh or rank req.

Regular eAustrian Army,
You don't need to use irc, orders will be posted over Forum/Newspaper/Commander, you will receive tickets to move outside eAustria, weapons will be given out only for very important battles. Your main objective will be to gain exp and welness.

Elite eAustrian Army
You will have to use irc, orders when to be on irc will be posted over Forum/Newspaper/Commander, your actually orders will be given in IRC channel.You will receive Tickets, Weapons Q2 , and gifts. But you have to be on irc.

Note: Even if you applied on previous army.. you must now reapply so i know in which army you want to be.

Any questions feel free to ask.

Metallon eAustrian MOD