eAustralian Prime Minister Address #2 - Start of a new week.

Day 1,327, 21:34 Published in Australia Australia by DocterDry

Ladies and Gentlemen of eAustralia good evening. I am your Prime Minister, DocterDry. o/ This is my second update article.


The budget for this term has been proposed to the senate and is currently being voted on. The estimated surplus for this month is $288,000 AUD. Which is a VERY large increase on last months surplus. This is in line with my election promise to continue to build a solid eAustralian treasury holding to ensure our future is strong. Also in the budget i have increase funding for the Australian Defence Force from $100,000 AUD to $150,000 AUD which is a %50 increase in funding and will benefit the organization very well in terms of supplies and how often supplies can be bought. The new erep eating rules has called for increase funding for the ADF and i would be interested in raising the funding further in the future. Total tax income was estimated at $500,000 AUD which Expenditure estimated to be at $212,000 AUD.

eNZ Training War

We WILL be having an eNZ training war as i have previously said (despite people spreading misinformation that we a rent having one) The eNZ training war has been delayed further because Argentina has decided to NE eNZ. As soon as the NE is taken away we will try to get a training war between our 2 countries off the ground.


I promised alot of education projects this term and this week you will all see alot of them come into shape. Recently the minister of education, ronnyjnrjnr released the ministries first article directed at new players explaining the new training building system You can all expect more articles like this.


The senate is currently in debate about our tax system. As i said in my election goals, my government will work with the senate to create a tax system that promotes cheap products, growth and a good healthy revenue for the government. Right now the general line is that we should lower the import taxes on everything to increase competition and increase taxes. I hope the senate can reach an agreement shortly on the issue of tax so we can get the ball rolling on the changes shortly.


We have just signed an MPP with Canada. We will be signing more in the coming weeks including some with the usual countries like USA, Croatia but we will also be branching out to countries we haven't really had anything to do with such as Russia. This is part of my election goal where i said i would branch out to new countries to establish new relationships.

Clearing up misinformation from the saboteurs.

The saboteurs are still at it, trying to disrupt and destroy my CP term and the country. As most of you are aware the serial troll Timeoin has been doing a new troll act everyday. Yesterday it was spamming misinformation everywhere that we are having a "chile training war" (all because of a small typo i made at the bottom of a post) and that we are not renewing an MPP with our closet ally, China. Both things are not true. Today we have him writing articles that apparently i don't know how the MPP system works all because i posted a thread about some money withdrawal from the treasury before i saw the MPP with Canada was Proposed. These incidents specifically the supposed "Chile training war" has caused ALOT of confusion amongst the population and it's designed to waste time and disrupt this month as much as possible. I ask that all eCitizens disregard anything he says because it will most likely be trolling,lies and misinformation. If you want to know something about the government or about something the government is doing, contact me or any other minister of read our threads and articles. Do not take what you read from troll articles as fact.

Prime Minister of eAustralia