eAustralia: You're the voice, try and understand it.

Day 841, 22:56 Published in Australia Australia by Ranger Bob

Epic Article time, which commences with a little corniness.


We are a great nation of people. No, really. What defines us as a group of individuals?

Regardless of where you come from in Real Life, what you believe or what you do, we are eAustralian. Our sense of patriotism is strong. We have pride - more so now than ever as we are a whole nation, that for good or ill, must stand on it's feet and take the decisions and choices which epitomise all that our eNation (and, peripherally our _real_ nation) believes and stands for.

We bring to the eWorld a sense of larrikan-ism. We bring to the eWorld our openness, our sense of fun, our friendliness and our overwhelming desire to be recognised - perhaps not as strong in terms of military and economics as other nations - but as a community that WILL NOT be absorbed, that WILL NOT be destroyed regardless of whether we hold 6, 12 or indeed NO regions. Why?


For too long, and especially since WA was returned - many of us have turned on each other - perhaps initially due to "differences in opinion", or "disagreements in what we do next" - and this has in many ways led us to forget WHO we are, and WHY we are here. But, it's moving beyond this now - and indeed, beyond a joke.

I now call on this to stop.

You want to fight? Fine, but refocus your attention to what is important. Stop trying to destroy ourselves from the inside - I _assure_ you, there are plenty of people outside our borders who are MORE than happy to try and do this for us. And, all we are doing by wasting energy on each other is making it far easier for them to do so.

I don't care what political party you are in. I consider it destructive to our eNation to sit here and fight.

I don't care who started it - I don't care if you feel justified in attacking and the bloody stupidity going on with our government, our economy and our politiking. If you are participating in these silly games, you are contributing to our destruction - not just in fighting our common enemy.


For too long (sometimes me included) we have wasted time arguing internally when we should keep our eye on what _is_ important.

Whether we win or lose a war is irrelevant, really. Whether we win or lose ourselves - THIS IS THE TRUE BATTLE.

AMP, ACP, TBP, ANP, ADP, MBP and pretty much all the parties - stop it and stop it NOW. You do your party a great injustice through participating in this destructive bikering. And, through this, you do a great injustice to the people you serve.

To the other individuals who think it is fun and continue to feed this destructive fued - stop it and stop it NOW. You do YOURSELVES a great injustice, and through this to the broader community at large. If you want to go fight - pick up your X-Box and go shoot some green gremlins or something.

I call on those who have had enough to state here that they have had enough. I call on the new citizens and players in our country to step forward, and contribute to the change. Having and putting ideas forward is not STUPID. Rather, being unprepared to consider new points of view, IS.

We will be a great nation - win or lose - if we stand together. It is time for us all to start growing up, and remember what is important to us as people who are playing this game. And, if you don't get that then I suggest you are becoming jaded, and should either find a new game to spend your talents on, or take some time out and consider whether you are playing this game purely to screw with other people - or, if you like the social and interactive element, and support us as a committed active group of loyal eAussies that remember what our nation is, and WHO WE ARE.

We are more than what we hold in this game - dammit we have lost everything and come back, and if the same happens we will again.

Stop making it easier for the baddies to win.


1 time CP
1 time MoF
2 times MoD
3 times Senator
SA Resistance Hero