eAustralia, the timid and meek?

Day 1,501, 15:40 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

Elephant this future CP and remember the faces of those who have fought so hard for our nation....

Dear eIndo,

Remember me?

On with the article.

Yes master we will do what you wish master... Really? Political businessmen have already sent this nation on a downward spiral and now with Wally Wilson becoming submissive to the eIndo empire it is only a matter of time until we reach rock bottom.

What happened to pride? What happened to honour and fighting for a cause that is right? With tail between our legs we slink into the night hoping not to offend our enemies, hoping that this will be the time that peace remains...

Lets not misunderstand exactly what is happening. We have become eIndo lapdogs, our businessmen get richer, our soldiers seek honour elsewhere. Our Gov officials are selected on those most likely not to offend our overlords and all the while they keep the secret hidden deals away from the public eyes.

Votes are manipulated and turned into events that effect our entire nation, like the leaving of EDEN, that embarrasses us on the world stage, betraying our allies and slapping so many others across the face. Many would have voted differently if the truth had been known about the directon the businessmen wanted to take our nation.

We betray our allies (eBrazil) to protect our eIndo overlords and allow our lands to be subjugated to the town bullies and allow our MPP’s to decrease dramatically so that our overlords know we are not to be feared.

I had thought this would change with Wally Wilson becoming CP (so far he is unopposed) but as becomes evident in his latest ‘white elephant’ article, he has no intention of doing anything at all against eIndo, no plans to retain our states... so what exactly is he offering as CP?

Not a thing.

Where is a leader with spine? With backbone? One who remembers why we spent so many years fighting...

They, like myself, sit in the darkest corner of the room shamed by what has befallen our nation through weak willed political businessmen.