eAus Census

Day 2,702, 02:36 Published in Australia Australia by Guagature
Stepping aside from any political role and writing this as a citizen of eAus, I see that under Plato’s new module we are a fractured country. As a community we are all entitled to a say in where we are heading and to be notified, updated and fully aware of what we are fighting for.

The greater community is what keeps people in fictitious roles that make decisions on their behalf; it is why some people log in daily for the camaraderie that can be received through mutual goals.

If we as a community only have the same voices making the same decisions then new, old or intermediate members are sitting stale not voicing or not being given a chance to choose our own destiny. I strongly urge all real members of eAustralia to fill out the following census to show that you want to be a part of the community; you care about what direction the country takes but most importantly show that in general you care.

You may well be sick of receiving free things but for any real eAustralian citizen that fills out this survey you will be sent upon request 10 Q7 tanks, this is to hopefully get as many people to fill this in to maximise our current active population. If we only get a few responses then this does not give any relevance to what we all want so I cannot urge you guys enough to be involved to have you voice heard.

I am sure there will be sceptics out there trying to turn this around but I assure you that closed room discussions do not have the country at heart, it is the community that will loose out if we take this guarded approach at only allowing certain members access to any form of relevant information.

Please vote and shout to give every eAustralia citizen the opportunity to take part in what they want.

Go ahead and click the link eAus Census

Results to be published as soon as possible....