East of England Congress- Intrepid132!

Day 519, 12:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by intrepid132

Ok, I know you're all probably extremely, extremely tired of longwinded manifestoes and speaches for the upcoming congressional elections.

So I'm going to cut the crap. I'm just going to come out and tell you why you should vote for me, and besides the introductory remarks, do it in less than 150 words. Ready? Go.

I've been playing eRepublik for 6 months now, which is pretty old, in this game. I've been a congressman before, also for East of England, in January. I've been very involved in government, having worked my way up through the ranks to become Minister of Foreign Affairs, also in January. I also have experience in the military, having fought in the Royal Guards (the eUK Territorial Army) in the war with France, as well as with the CAF in various battles of World War II. I bring experience, and knowledge to Congress. I will represent you, and I want to hear your ideas. To do this, just send me a PM, or join the eUK forums at forums.erepublik.co.uk. I will make government work for you, not the other way around!

Wordcount: 130

Now, just some general policies so you know what sort of political ideas I support:
- I like big government. I think that the government is here to protect the people and their rights
- Yet, I'm not a communist. I think businesses should be protected and fostered by the government as well.
- I support ATLANTIS fully, but I'm still open to new alternatives that look promising as they arise.
- I agree with the regulation of currency by the Bank of England. Kind of goes with the first point.

And Finally,
- I agree that the Rhinocerous is the greatest animal on the planet, and thus, we must make politics more lighthearted. I propose a national joke Registry, to promote Humour across this great eLand!