Earth Alliance

Day 989, 10:36 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut

I hereby announce today my intention to end the era of EDEN and PHOENIX. It is time for a new age in the eWorld. It is time for the formation of the Earth Alliance

This alliance will be led by a President duly elected by a chamber of representatives consisting of all the Presidents of a member state.

The purpose of this Alliance will be to foster a new era of international cooperation and will consist of nations regardless of prior allegiance who think that the old Alliance names are really lame, have gotten old, and that it is time to shake things up. We will construct a virtual forum for which peoples of all nations may come together for this aim. We will call this place Babylon 5 as the first 3 Babylon stations were stolen by Emerick and the 4th was eaten by Pfeiffer.

There have been two prior ages for eMankind. It is time for the third age to begin. Let us get our leaders to form this new Alliance. Let us begin forming an international military which will be stronger than any before it. We will call this military, EarthForce.

Although others may try to attack our Alliance for putting the principles of liberty and having a great time first, let us stand together against these evil forces. It's time to urge our leaders to consider this new Alliance.