eArt of War

Day 664, 15:51 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden
Remember to check your Battle Orders eCanada!

There have been many articles circulating recently articulating competing theories concerning our war strategy. Some are well thought out, others are quite pedestrian.

Here are some beneficial links to have on hand as you read this article:

eGobba Map
Battle Orders

Let us now agree on some elements, shall we?

1. We want ALL of eCanada back.

2. We want to rebuild eCanada in such a way as to make an attack upon our homeland as prohibitive as possible.

3. We want to ensure that we truncate the enemy's ability to produce any semblance of effective military, economic or diplomatic resistance to us achieving our goals during - and after this war.

If we can agree upon these fundamental elements, then we must next agree upon how to achieve them.

Old school military thought.

We must maintain the battle initiative against:

a) eHungary
b) eIndonesia
c) eRussia
d) eIran (who is getting off rather clean in this war in light of the regions it has assumed ownership of)

We must force each of those nation states to focus their strengths upon their own national interests while we focus our strengths upon our collective interests. If there is one thing that we know about PEACE GC military priorities - it is that these specific nation's regional ownership be maintained at any cost.

The Battle for Northern Croatia yesterday was a perfect example. Nobody can tell me that defending Tennessee or South Dakota (low population, no infrastructure) is a higher Alliance military objective than a region which is highly populated and has dual Q5 infrastructure deployed.

Thats is key. This cannot be stressed enough. So many eCanadians are violating their Battle Orders, whether willingly or not (we have been at war for quite some time now, there is NO reason for people to NOT KNOW how to get their Battle Orders) fighting in blocking battles (Saskatchewan, Nunavut for example).

We're a loose ship right now in this regard. The Defence Department's recent initiative of having private citizen Press Directors place links to Battle Orders on all published articles is going to go a long way towards finely tuning our national war effort. This is resultant of the amount of time we have been at war. The longer we are actively engaged, the more efficient we get. The better we organize our limited resources. The better we understand long-term military objectives. The more effective we will be against our adversary.

Non State militias are universally successful against State Armies because they fight guerilla style. It is cheaper to conduct, and forces the State adversary to commit inordinate amounts of resources to produce resistance. This is the posture we must be flexible enough to assume at any time in order to achieve our many military objectives.

Before active manouevers were implemented in battle strategy, opposing armies would line up across from eachother and fire. This is not an efficient strategy to adopt in the 21st century, nor is it in eRepublik.

For too long we have fought this war exclusively on our own territory. Right now eCanada and eUSA are engaged in a simultaneous blocking war (eCanada - eHungary, eUSA - eRussia). We are unable to break out with a spearhead.

Robert Shaw (camera left) in the film "Battle of the Bulge" as Col. Hessler across Charles Bronson.

How do we do this? We must reduce our adversary's ability to wage total war against us.
This includes economic warfare. There has been a raging controversy concerning an eCanadian Trade Embargoe upon the eUK. Last I checked, the eUK was a member state of PEACE (their President is GLaDOS).

Historically, without exception - it is considered an act of treason to trade with the enemy.

Okay, well if you're REALLY organized, you can get away with it.

The eUK is a PEACE Member State, and as such IS the enemy. While it may not be in our best military interest to engage the eUK in combat, we can still throw all the tea into Hudson's Bay that we like.

The Boston Tea Party - the preeminant economic embargo.

We must make inroads inasfar as interrupting the enemy's economic engine. We must put diplomatic, economic & military pressure upon it's strategic regions.

Okay, so we don't have B-29s at our disposal to eliminate vital PEACE economic regions, but we do know that these regions are NOT located within eHungary or eIndonesia's homelands.

This is PEACE's primary weakness. They do not rely upon the member states to be fruitful and contribute to an overall Alliance war effort. Rather, member states are made to surrender High Resource regions to favoured PEACE nations. This creates rising animosity against PEACE within these lesser nations, and robs them of the economic advatage when they are fighting a war of occupation themselves. eRussia for example is without North Caucasus and Western Siberia.
Western Siberia alone has over 500 companies. There is a hell of a lot of tax revenue that eRussia has no access to - yet they tolerate their indentureship.

This basically encapsulates the relationship between PEACE and eRussia.

We can use these global animosities to our advantage.

Western Australia, South Africa, Western Siberia, North Caucasus, Heiliojiang, Liaoning, Dnipro, Siveria, Karnataka for some examples.

EDEN, the Brolliance, the Theocrats, eSpain and the eRomanians all have a common enemy, yet they do not follow a fundamental rule of war: The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

We must unite these interests under one banner - it is the only way we will each achieve our collective goal - ending the war, and ending PEACE GC.

In closing I will leave you with this historical analogy:

Quintus Sertorius, a Roman General until 72 BC, when he was assasinated by Sulla. While Sertorius was in Hispania, he offered to his legates a principle of war by demonstrating that a horse's tail could be picked out hair by hair - but not pulled out all at once. Sertorius was famous for defeating larger armies with smaller ones using this principle. We cannot defeat PEACE all at once, but we can whiddle it down using superior strategy and tactics exploiting their weaknesses.

My name is Tyler F Durden
I am running for the Party Presidency of the Canadian Progressive Front.
Come out and take part in eCanada's future!

Remember, the things you own end up owning you.

Remember to check your Battle Orders eCanada!