eAir Malta in Business

Day 633, 09:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 70mD

Dear eRepublikans,

On this day eAir Malta has officially gone into business, the company deals in moving tickets, and we hope that you will buy from us next time you travel!

Furthermore we have plenty of job spaces in need of filling, so please look to the job market for eAir Malta job offers.
Also if you cant find the right job for you, not the right skill level, not a high enough salary etc, then please message me or the organisation in charge of the company, the Maltese Trading Company.

Lastly if anyone knows how I can make the picture change work then please tell me, I cange the picture, and it looks as though it is done, then when i move off the profile page it goes back to the old one, help much appreciated!

Kind Regards to all Customers and Workers to be,
General Manager