E-UK Weekly news, 15/09/08 - 23/09/08

Day 308, 01:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association

This is the third article from the National Newspaper Association. Every week this newspaper will release one article on a Monday with links and details of the previous week's best newspaper articles. If you would like your article featured in this article, please pm the association, or for a more direct answer, myself (Stan Wephen), head of the National Newspaper Association.

Firstly, a note from our sponsors:

E-republik is quite possibly the most boring game in the world. That is, until you open it up and really get into it, and the only way to do that is through the forums. Please join www.erepublik.co.uk and really know what E-republik is all about!


Newspaper: UK Afternoon News
Author: Deathtoll32
Name of article: Huge Interview w/ Hassan Pesaran,Rayf Drayson,Widdows9000, What???
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-649241.html
Short Description: Despite the confusing title, this is a great interview of the 3 most powerful figures in E-uk politics. Well worth a read.

Newspaper: The Unity Post
Author: Hassan Pesaran
Name of article: Local Election Results - Analysis
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-667602.html
Short Description: An in-deptch analysis of the recent and possibly last local elections. Interesting to see how well TUP have done.

Newspaper: Inter-Pol
Author: Skinny Bones Jones
Name of article: Edition #11 : Religion in Erepublik
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-649642.html
Short Description: A great article including an interview with the two leading religious SOs in the E-uk.

Newspaper: The Opinionated Times
Author: Squiddy
Name of article: My Visions For London
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-673981.html
Short Description: Squiddy, the new mayor of London, outlies his brilliant plan in detail. All Londonders should definitely read this.

Newspaper: UK Weekly
Author: Siobhan Griffin
Name of article: Calling all Londoners - Make a new home in Belfast!
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-670952.html
Short Description: The newly elected mayor of Belfast gets straight into action advertising her great city, calling on Londoners to move to Belfast. I'm tempted myself 😉


Newspaper: The Destiny Post (UK)
Author: Final Destiny
Name of article: December: UK Reform or Action?
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-657981.html
Short Description: Since when was history this fun? FD takes us on a tour of December of the New World in the UK

Newspaper: The Destiny Post (UK)
Author: Final Destiny
Name of article: Northern Irelan😛 A ePolitical History
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-658912.html
Short Description: More history, this time about our favourite neighbours, the Irish 😃


Newspaper: The UK Spectator
Author: SQz
Name of article: Market oversaturation. Is war the only way out?
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-669721.html
Short Description: A rather interesting look at the current economic situation and raises the interesting question - Does our economy rely on war?

Newspaper: Whales and Wales
Author: Bremer
Name of article: Economy Stagnation - Solutions
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-671312.html
Short Description: Economics - I'm not an economic genius and don't understand it but I have it on good faith that I'm just stupid and its actually quite easy to understand.


Newspaper: The Freudian Slip
Author: Bob Boblo
Name of article: When Good Mayors Go Bad
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-668771.html
Short Description: A entertaining satire article from our comedy genius, Bob Boblo

Old articles

The past week has been filled with mainly just local election manifestos, but I saw little point in including their links since it's past the local elections. Instead, I'm digging up some old articles from an old friend, who made some brilliant beginner's guides for new E-republik members.

Newspaper: Newcastle Matters
Author: frufru
Name of article: Beginners guide (part one)...if you're new to the game read on
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-252271.html
Short Description: Although a little out-dated, this is still a great guide to E-uk politics if you're new to the game and want to get an idea of how things work

Newspaper: Newcastle Matters
Author: frufru
Name of article: Beginners' guide to war...if you're new to e-rep read on...
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-308121.html
Short Description: Another brilliant guide for newer players regarding war.

Newspaper: Newcastle Matters
Author: frufru
Name of article: Beginners guide to e-rep employment. If you're new to e-uk read on...
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-322142.html
Short Description: The third Beginner's guide from frufru about employment. It's an absolute must read for everyone, new and experienced, just to help us remember the facts.


Need gifting? Live in London? Then apply for the London Citizenship scheme. To read more, go onto www.erepublik.com/article-521642.html , or contact Stan Wephen, Head of the London Council, for more details

Tired of London? Need a move? Did you know you could be eligible to move for free thanks to Tranpsort for London! To read more, go onto www.erepublik.com/article-603391.html, or contact Hassan Pesaran, Head of TfL, for more details

Need gifting? Wish you could gift yourself? Did you know you can? (sorta). Join the gift trading scheme, and you could be gifted today! To read more, go onto www.erepublik.com/article-610351.html, or contact Tim09 for more details.

Want to get into politics? Think you could do better than the current mayor in your region? Then join the local Council and you could gain the experience much needed to make you the next best mayor. Contact Keitarour to become part of the Bristol Council, or look on www.erepublik.com/article-638971.html for more info. Contact Stan Wephen to become part of the London Council.

Do you want your advertisment featured here? Then pm me, Stan Wephen, and we'll be happy to put yours on. Yes, that's right. I'm advertising advertising.


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