E-Romania, and The Canadian Resistance.

Day 632, 18:36 Published in Romania Canada by Alaricus


Hello Romanians!!

I and many Canadians have flocked to your grand country.

Our main goal is too help our main Allies, Eden, and Fortis, and take back our home country, CANADA!

Many of the CRM(Canadian Resistance Movement) have come here for all of the reasons above.

We Canadians hope to strengthen our relations together as nations, and fight side by side with fellow Romanians, against the Evil PEACE regime.

Whether it be on Romanian soil, or back home in my long lost country, we stand United!


Salut români !

Eu si multi alti canadieni ne-am adunat in mareata voastra tara.

Scopul nostru principal este de a ne ajuta aliatii principali, Eden si Fortis si sa ne luam inapoi tara, CANADA!

Multi din CRM (Miscarea Canadiana de Rezistenta) au venit aici pentru toate motivele de mai sus.

Noi canadienii speram sa intarim relatiile dintre noi ca si natiuni si sa luptam cot la cot cu colegii romani impotriva rautatii regimului Peace.

Fie pe taram romanesc sau acasa in tara mea pierduta, ramanem Uniti!