Dutch National Bank founded

Day 30, 00:00 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Mathijs

With admin approval today the Nationale Nederlandse Bank (Dutch National Bank) was founded which has been created to make the Netherlands an economically healthy country. This bank was moddelled on a similar plan by Korbin King.
Every citizen can apply for a loan with the NNB (the accounts name) for an x-amount of Gold. For this a part of the gold from the Dutch treasury will be used. The only thing the Gold can be used for is to create companies or to pay employees in hospitals or housing-businesses that do not have enough cash. In all, no more than half of the amount of Gold in the Dutch treasury will be used for the NNB.

The following conditions apply to the lending by the NNB:

1. If you want to borrow from the NNB, send a message to the NNB with the following details:
- amount of Gold you need
- reason for the loan and business plan
- at least three character witnesses. These should include one congressman or mayor and 1 (future) employee.
The maximum amount that can be borrowed is 30 Gold.
3. A downpayment is needed in NLG, to show that the applicant is serious and has already proven he/she has made money in Erepublik. The amount of this downpayment will depend on the total amount of NLG that the applicant owns and will be determined by the NNB.
4. An agreement will be made for repayment. The applicant needs to make clear how much he/she will pay each week. The borrower owes the money to the state and the taxpayers of The Netherlands, so he/she has to pay it back, even when the current president is no longer in office. Should he/she fail to do so, you will be blacklisted by the NNB and will be banned from borrowing there again. The minimum amount of repayment is 1 Gold per week.
5. The applications will be judged by the president and the congressmen of the Netherlands. If the majority agrees with the application, it will be approved. Should the number of congressmen grow in the future, they will also be part of the decision process.

The president realises that this plan will give rise to questions and criticism and therefore he urges you (citizens of the Netherlands) to respond to this article in English, or to the press release of the DEPP in Dutch. Perhaps you have suggestions to improve on the system. The president also realises that this can only succeed if he is reelected or the next president will continue with the NNB.
At the moment this seems to be the only way to inject extra currency into the economy of our country, where the lack of Gold stops progress. Therefore the president wants to use the national treasury Gold to enable people to start new companies so more people can be employed and more goods can be produced for everyone. The president hopes that his idea will be supported and would like to hear your ideas.