Dunavski savez *** Danube alliance

Day 1,519, 11:02 Published in Serbia Serbia by The Other One
English version below


NAPOMENA: Ovaj članak nema veze sa zvaničnom politikom Vlade eSrbije i ovo je isključivo neko moje mišljenje o budućnosti eRepublika.

Muzička pozadina

Pre nego započnem bilo kakvu priču na ovu temu da kažem par stvari.
eRepublik je dinamična igra u kojoj se mnogo stvari menja i previše često. Tu mislim pre svega na mehanizme igre. Takodje, menja se profil igračke populacije u pojedinim eZemljama – kako uzrast igrača, tako i razlozi njihovog ulaska u igru, a samim tim menja se i shvatanje značenja igre, menjaju se stavovi o tome sa kime treba/ne treba ući u savez. Klasičan primer velikih promena je eTurska, gde je celu jednu generaciju starih igrača nasledila druga generacija sa totalno drugačijim shvatanjma vezanim za igru. Ali eTurska nije tema ovog članka.

Igram eRepublik dve godine i svega sam se nagledao ovde. Za te dve godine jedino što se nije promenilo u eSrbiji je to da su nam eHrvati najveći neprijatelji. To je razumljivo kada znamo da je najveći broj igrača u eSrbiji došao upravo kada su nas izbrisali sa mape nedugo nakon pojavljivanja eSrbije u eRepubliku, kao i političkog preuzimanja. Izmedju eSrbije i eHrvatske vodjene su epske bitke, uzbudljive, napete. I to je imalo neku draž. Medjutim, ta vremena su prošla. Nema više epskih bitaka, bar ne u onim okvirima u kojima su postojale ranije. Nema uzbudjenja više ni kada brišemo jedni druge. Postalo je dosadno, pogotovo starijim igračima. Hej, ganjamo se preko dve godine!

Da li je vreme za promene? Da li je vreme da malo prodrmamo uspavani eRepublik?

Ponekad razmenjujem poruke sa nekim igračima iz eHrvatske i eSrbije koji se slažu sa mnom u svemu ovome. I slažemo se uglavnom da je vreme za neke promene. Samo niko nije ponudio javno neko konkretno rešenje. Zato ja Vam nudim ideju „DUNAVSKOG SAVEZA“ koji bi mogao da donese neke velike promene u eRepubliku.


Do sada se ni jedan savez na eRepubliku nije organizovao po bilo kom RL regionalnom principu (izuzev ABC saveza) iako su zemlje na eRepubliku prenete iz RL-a. Dunav je jedna od najvećih evropskih reka i protiče kroz (ili čini prirodnu granicu) sledeće zemlje: Nemačka, Austrija, Slovačka, Madjarska, Hrvatska, Srbija, Rumunija, Bugarska, Moldavija i Ukrajina. Dakle „DUNAVSKI SAVEZ“ činilo bi ovih deset zemalja, s tim što bi uvek postojala mogućnost da se ovom savezu pridruže (ne da postanu i punopravne članice) još neke zemlje.

Svaka od ovih zemalja već odavno postoji na eRepubliku. Neke od njih su vodeće po snazi, kao što su eSrbija, eHrvatska, eBugarska, eMadjarska i eRumunija. Da ne bih okolišao preći ću na prednosti i mane ovakvog saveza.


Pre svega unela bi se svežina u igru. Stariji igrači, kojima je više dosadila jedna te ista priča, dobili bi novi motiv za igru. Zatim, geostrateška pozicija ovakvog saveza je izvanredna. Teritorija ovog saveza je kompaktna, sastavljena od susednih zemalja, što je u odbrambenom smislu neprocenjivo važno – jedni drugima bi „čuvali ledja“. Takodje, geostrateška pozicija omogućava širenje u različitim pravcima u potrazi za resursima, a da pri tom ne smetaju jedna drugoj i da nema potrebe za „svapovanjem“ teritorija (koje je postalo gotovo i nemoguće u ovoj igri).


Pojedine zemlje koje bi bile članice ovog saveza imaju odnos netrpeljivosti jedna prema drugoj iz raznih perioda RL ili eRep istorije. Medjutim,moram da kažem da je ovo pre svega igra, a pri tom i izuzetno dinamična kao što sam i naglasio. Vreme je da se i mi promenimo, zar ne? Sledeća mana ovog saveza je nedovoljna vojna sila. Hmmm... Iako nisam ubedjen u ovo do kraja, hajde da pretpostavimo da je tako, pa da Vas pitam – šta je igra bez izazova? Uz to, rekao sam već da bi u ovaj savez mogle biti pridružene još neke eZemlje. Takodje, ne isključuje se mogućnost saradnje sa nekim od drugih saveza, pogotovo onih iz druge vremenske zone, kao što je recimo Terra (ovo je samo primer). No, o tom potom, sve u svoje vreme.


Pozivam sve one kojima je ova ideja bliska da mi se priključe u radu na pokretanju priče i eventualnom stvaranju ovog saveza, iz ma koje od ovih deset eZemalja da mi se jave IGM ili da posete čet kanal (na Rizonu) #danube.alliance kako bi smo razmenili mišljenja o svemu ovome. A siguran sam da će se mnogi igrači javiti.

Takodje, siguran sam da će se javiti i veliki broj protivnika ovog saveza i da će biti čak i glasniji od onih koji su za ovu ideju. Sve što želim od čitalaca članka je uljudnost u komentarima i davanje sugestija i konstruktivnih ideja u istima.

eRepublik je mesto gde se menja istorija.
Pa, hajde da je promenimo! 😉

Uzdravlje o/

********** English version **********

REFERENCE: This article has nothing to do with official policy of eSerbian government and this is only my own opinion about erepublik’s future.

Music background

Before i start anything, i would just like to say couple of things in general.
Erepublik is dynamic game in which things change to often and rapidly. And by saying that i mean mostly on game mechanisms. Also, gaming population profile is changing in some ecountries- average players age as well their reasons for playing this game. Which is taking effect in understanding the meaning of the game, attitudes with who you should or shouldn’t make an alliance. Basic example of this big changes is eTurkey, where an older generation of players was shifted with completely new one with different points of view about this game. But eTurkey is not the subject of this article.

I play eRepublik for two years and i have been through many things. Only thing that didn’t change for these two years in eSerbia was that eCroatia is our biggest enemy. It is understandable when we know that most of eSerbia population came to erepublik right after we were deleted,not long after eSerbia first showed its face on world map, as well the political take over. There were some epic battles between eSerbia and eCroatia, exciting, tense. And that had a charm of its own. But, those times are behind us. No more epic battles, at least not in those proportions in which they existed earlier before. No more excitement even when we delete each other. It became boring, specially to experienced players.
Hey, we are chasing each other for more than two years!

Is it the time for changes? Is it the time to shake up sleepy eRepublik?

Sometimes i chat with some players from eCroatia and eSerbia who approve me opinion about this. And we mostly agree that it is time for some changes. It is just that no one offered in public any specific solution. That is why I offer you an idea of “Danube alliance” which could bring some great changes in eRepublik.


So far, no erepublik alliance was based on on RL regional friendship ( except ABC alliance) even though all the countries from erepublik exist also in RL. Danube is one of the largest European rivers and it flows through (or it is national border) these countries : Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine. So, “Danube alliance” would consist of these ten countries , with possibility of joining ( not full membership) some other countries.

Each of these countries exist for long time in eRepublik. Some of them are leading forces such as eSerbia, eCroatia, eBulgaria, eHungary and eRomania. In order not to equivocate any more I will tell you advantages and flaws of this kind of alliance.


First of all, it would add some freshness to this game. Experienced players, who are mostly bored by the same old story, would get new motive to play. Also, geostrategic position of this alliance would be extraordinary. Its territory would be compact, made out of neighbor countries, which is in defensive meaning crucially important- we would “have each others back”. Also, geostrategic position allows expansion in many directions in a search for resources, and without conflict and need for swapping territories (which became quite impossible in this game).


Some countries that would be part of this alliance have certain intolerance for each other because of some RL events or eRepublik events that occurred (recently or long time ago). But, on the first place, this is a game, dynamic one as I said. It is time that we change as well, don’t you agree? Next flaw of this alliance is its reduced military power. Hmmm…even though I am not sure about this one completely, let us just assume that it is correct. Then I ask you what is a game without challenge? Besides, I mentioned that some other ecountries could join this alliance. Also, it is not impossible to cooperate with some other alliances, especially from other time zones, such as Terra (this is just an example). But we would sort that kind of thing on the way.


I call all of you who find this idea interesting or compatible with their way of thing to join me in this project, no matter from which of these ten ecountires they are, on Rizzon chat, channel #danube.alliance or to send me IGM so we could exchange our opinions on this subject.
And I am sure that many will reply.

Also I am sure that many opponents of this alliance will reply back and that they will be even more louder than those who are in favor. All I want out of readers of this article is decency in comments, as well as suggestions and ideas related to this topic

eRepublik is place where history is changing.
So, let us change it! 😉

Cheers o/

p.s. Thank you, Don Ori, for translation 🙂