Duke Leto for EPIC BC congress

Day 1,099, 19:07 Published in Canada Canada by Duke Leto

Hello eCanada. It has been a while since I have been on the political scene in eCanada. In fact, it has been a good four months since I was last inside parliament. Seeing as how more and more of the older population seems to have died off in eCanada and more and more of our population is being taken up by younger players, I will start off with a quick introduction.
I am a 10 time congressman, 9 times in Alberta and once in Newfoundland and Labrador. I was a party president for one term. I was on Jacobi’s first cabinet as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Under my supervision, I helped getting moderator rights for ministers as well as setting up the model for our ambassador core with the help of eCanadian ambassador to eIreland, Oshaudy. I would return twice to the Ministry as deputy with the task of doing errands which my superiors could not do due to their schedules and running the ambassador core. I was a lieutenant in the CAF, but I left and rejoined several times until the second last time I joined I made sergeant. I left the CAF for a while to join the TCO.
I have come up with one reason this term and that is

Cleaning up congress
As an older player, I can tell you this political fighting and brash silliness barely existed in congress. In layman’s terms: it was not in the state it is today. We cooperated with one another, we made sure that we used respectable language and tried to keep swearing to a minimum. To call some one a “fag” was frowned upon. By about the time the CPF came rolling around, and with them the philosophy of “no-role-play”. With this philosophy floating around and spreading a civil discussion could turn into a troll fest. I am not condoning the banning and discrimination of people who hold the belief of “No role-play” for these people have a right to believe in that. But, if they don’t like the role play, then they have no reason to be part of forum discussion except to discuss about the game mechanics affected issues.

The important thing about society is working together as a whole to solve our issues. One major conflict which has been apparent over the past couple of days is the TCO and the CAF. I, coming from both sides as previously mentioned, would like to say that we can work together. If you have played Valve’s Left 4 Dead, you can compare the CAF as the player and the TCO as the AI. The player wants to get stuff done and the AI wants to get stuff done too, but wants to do stuff which suits them. You ask the AI to take the lead, they don’t budge. You want them to take the pipe bomb or Molotov; they will take them only half of the time. However, they will help you when pinned down by enemies or when you accidentally slip off an edge, they will help. They will share their first-aid kits with you, even if you don’t need it.
I will push for CAF and TCO co-operation both on and off the battlefield. I will strive for congressmen to set their preferences aside and discuss about what is best for the whole, not their faction of their choice. I will make sure that funding and other things involving militias and the CAF will get fair and equitable consideration.

So remember eBritish Colombia and eCanada, vote for experience; vote for a man who wants to co-operate; vote for Duke Leto for BC.