Duffelbag for Congress again

Day 1,160, 13:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by DuffelBag

I am representing the PCP as a candidate for Congress for Yorkshire and Humberside

Like all members of the PCP I shall oppose Imperialism and the cynical Realpolitik of the eUK right wing. The PCP stand for

helping newcomers
opposing privilege and longevity

We are open and oppose cliques and careerism.

We founded the Trade Unions
We founded Communes, havens for the less experienced
We proposed and passed the Democracy Act
We led the Scottish Liberation War

I have been working as a high level worker in the Communes for over a year, and am a veteran of the Scottish Liberation War. I fought to defend the eUK during the last invasion, and have traveled to eGermany and eGreece to fight for national self-determination.

I'd love to promise to support all constituents but I am standing on the platform of the PCP. Please support me and join the PCP.

Yes to Liberty, Yes to Fun, Oppose cynicism!