Dual Citizenship and ePassports?

Day 622, 00:29 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

In real life, many countries permit their citizens to have dual citizenship.

I am proposing that this model of citizenship be employed in eRepublik.

A few notes:

An eCitizen may hold citizenship in two eNations.

Should that eCitizen decide to run for public office, then that eCitizen should have resided within said eNation for a minimum of 30 days, and once that eCitizen has tendered their name for public office, that eCitizen may not leave for another 30 days. This way, no eCitizen can run around from eNation to eNation running for office.

This could possibly lead to the neccessity of devising an ePassport module.

When an eCitizen arrives in an eNation which that eCitizen wishes to enter, that eCitizen must have their ePassport inspected by the host eNation. Should that eNation decide that the eCitizen is unfit for Citizenship or entrance, then that eCitizen would be refused the opportunity to enter the target eNation. As a result, that eCitizen would be unable to secure employment or participate in the markets. Should the target eNation discover that the interested eCitizen has just been travelling extensively within enemy eNations - or even held public office in a belligerent eNation, then the target eNation would have reason to refuse citizenship based on grounds of National Security.

This evolution of eRepublik would also serve to restore the importance and market demand for Moving Tickets - which many correctly predicted would be negatively affected as a direct result of the Citizenship Mod.

Were an eCitizen to have dual citizenship, then that would afford that eCitizen to move between eNations which they hold citizenship with. If one of the eNations were at peace, and the other at war, then that eCitizen would have the choice to travel to fight with the second eNation which they hold citizenship with.

However, should both eNations which an eCitizen holds citizenship in end up at war with eachother, the eNation which the eCitizen currently resided in at the outbreak of war would be the eNation which they would fight for - or the last of the two the eCitizen last resided in, should they be located within a third, neutral eNation.

As far as taxation goes, the eNation in which the eCitizen currently resides in, and is employed in is the eNation which that eCitizen would pay income tax to. If an eCitizen owns companies in one or both eNations, then those companies are taxed according to the respective eNation's tax laws.

Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated!