Draft of the Danish Constitution (The BEST constitution in the world)

Day 446, 07:39 Published in Denmark Sweden by Grev Per

I think this draft for a constitution is so good we should allow other countries to draft the same constitution, just replacing Denmark with their own name.

So members of congress if you like or don't like what you see here, join the
conversation here:
and make a suggestion of something to add or change!

Remember, if you really want to have a 'serious e-constitution' you are creepier than Christopher Walken if Christopher Walken took crack.

The Constitution of the Kingdom of Denmark
1. The State of the State
2. Nobility
3. Economy
4. Socialism
5. Culture
6. Star trek
7. Religion

The State of the State
1. Denmark is a Constitutional Monarchy
1.1 The Office of King is to be symbolic
1.2 The Office of King can only be held by a citizen for 1 month at a time
1.3 The Current King choses the Next King
1.4 No one can be King twice unless all active citizens have held the office of King
1.5 The King shall be addressed as 'Oh Captain my Captain' or shorthand 'Captain King'

2. Denmark is an Industrialized Feudal Economy
2.1 The King will appoint the nobility
2.2 There shall be a noble house for every 40 citizens (thus in a nation of 200 there should be 5 noblemen)
2.3 The King cannot strip the nobles of their titles unless they were behaving in a manner that was far too serious.
2.4 The Nobles can overthrow the King if they believe the King is not being symbolic enough

3. Slavery is legal in the Kingdom of Denmark
3.1 Any employee working for a Dane outside the borders of Denmark is owned by the Dane
3.2 These employees are serfs, also known as the landed peasantry.
3.3 Thus the Danish national hobby is owning other peoples.
3.4 The Danish National Sport is the Gladiatorial Combat, the pitting of one Dane's serfs in combat to the death against another Dane's serfs.
3.5 Animal Rights Activists and Environmentalists are very annoying

4. All people are born equal
4.1 But if they can't pronounce 'Rød Grød med Fløde' they should be cast off Himmelbjerg

5. Duke Nukem is legally cooler than Count Dracula
5.1 But Vlad Tepes is the coolest of all.

Star Trek
The Prime Directive
When in Sweden there is to be no identification of self or mission. No interference with the social development of said apes. No references to the Earth being round, other countries, or advanced civilizations

6. Danishism is the official religion of Denmark, as told by the Prophet A. Holst