Doomsday[My Final Title, Still Open For Suggestions] - Chapter 1

Day 610, 05:31 Published in Philippines Philippines by purge0809


This is a semi-fictional story. The contents of this article may or may not be true. This applies to the characters’ RL and eL capabilities/characteristics/etc, though this story’s characters were based on some of the character’s observed characteristics.


Chapter 1:

“You’re going to be shining like the stars. You will be in tiptop shape. Good as new, plus an upgrade! Look! Two new guns, just for you... And they’re big!! Then you’re going to defeat them all over again!!!”

EZEX Lacroa was talking to his Gundam, Lacrix v.EZEX (Electronic Zone-Ender and Xylophone virtuoso), his custom made Gundam.

“You will be so amazing! I’m going to repair you, tune you up, everything!!!”

And while he was almost done cleaning one of his Gundam’s eyes...

“Yes!! Already done cleaning one of 87,456,892,485 parts! Awesome! Now, for the nex... Whaa?! Brownout? MERALCO said nothing about a brownout! D*mn!”

You’re coming with me, boy...”, said someone in a hush tone...

“What! Who’re you?! Where are you! You caused the brownout?”


“Give me answers, will you?!”, EZEX exclaimed.

“Uhmmmm... 3? Because the chiken wanted to? The Theory of Relativity? Cosine theta +1? 3.1416...”

“Shut the hell up! What are your motives?!?!”


“Hey! Stop holding me! Ahhhh—“

The lights are starting to dim as the sound of A Minor with a roll in a combination of C Major and the A Minor pentatonic scales is heard from around the room. Blitzwithlimes, together with purge0809 has just finished their weekly jam session on the music bar, whose construction was funded by the Ministry of Merriment.

Seconds past and the lights flash again for the second time, together with it is a sight (and sound) to see (and hear). Purge in his signature Fender Stratocaster and blitz in his own Gretsch Duo Jet, stepped together on their Boss Overdrive and Ibanez Tubescreamer, respectively and let out a slide in their fretboards that introduced another instrumental after their last song,a cover of Picha Pie by Parokya ni Edgar. The two guitarists exchanged riffs and solos 2 measures after 2 measures, making a chain of different music styles that fit together, in the key of C# minor, exchanging roles as lead and rhythm...

A loud applause met them at the end of their 5-minute long instrumental.

“Good job purge, really had fun playing with you!”, blitz said as the two were cleaning up their guitars, amps, and pedalboards.

“Same to you, blitz... You were great there...”

“purge0809?”, a voice came from in front of him. His accent was a bit British. Though the voice was blank. Monotonous. Almost emotionless. It sounded like it was pronounced strongly, yet the volume of the voice was constant.

Has he swallowed a Keeley Compressor? Purge thought.

“Uhm... Yes, it’s me.”, purge responded.

“Ok. My name is Rich Porter. I’m the CO of the Philippine Naval Fleet. I want you to come with me.”


“Because we need you.”

“What? You confuse me. You said you want me. And now you need me? Wants and needs are different. So what is it?

“Firstly, I am an officer of the Philippine Military. A superior of many. You are going to obey me.”



Purge bent down, got fifty pesos from his pocket and gave it to the CO.

“So, that’s how you... ‘roll’, eh? Should’ve known. Could’ve offered you this though. Thought you might want it... But...”, Rich Porter tempted.

“A Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive? I’ve been looking for that pedal all year!”

A smile crossed the CO’s face.

Purge gave up. “Ok, you got me. What do you want me for?”

“Come with me. We’re going somewhere. A car’s waiting for us outside. I’ll explain you some details while on the ride...”

Editor-in-Chief, The Herald’s Guitar


My brute:

My minicity:

and my favourite site for guitars:


Hear the sound of truth!
The Herald’s Guitar (end song in chord E, then do a Minor Pentatonic Scaling if rolling is prolonged)